DFDS Q2 2020 Interim Report

Udgivet den 12-08-2020  |  kl. 05:51  |  

Company announcement no. 19/2020


• Rebound in freight volumes at end of Q2 and in July

• Encouraging pickup in passenger demand for reopened routes

• Exceptional negative profit impact from passengers in Q2

• Outlook improved: EBITDA of DKK 2.2-2.5bn now expected for 2020 (previously: likely to be reduced towards DKK 2bn)

Q2 2020

• Revenue down 34% to DKK 2.8bn

• EBITDA down 49% to DKK 507m

• Passenger activities cause most of profit decrease




• EBITDA of DKK 2.2-2.5bn expected. Previously: likely to be reduced towards DKK 2bn (2019: DKK 3.6bn)

• Investments of around DKK 1.6bn, unchanged

"Our outlook is improved. Freight volumes have picked up and the demand for ferry travel is encouraging on our reopened passenger routes. It is uncertain whether the pickup in demand is sustainable and we therefore remain alert," says Torben Carlsen, CEO.

KEY FIGURES              
  2020 2019   2019-20 2018-19   2019
DKK m Q2 Q2 CH. % LTM LTM CH. % FY
Revenue  2,798  4,241 -34.0%  15,092  16,449 -8.2%  16,592
EBITDA before special items 507 989 -48.8% 3,083 3,709 -16.9% 3,633
EBIT before special items 48  541 n.a.  1,156  1,963 -41.1%  1,751
Profit before tax and special items  -33  486 n.a.  893  1,688 -47.1%  1,472
Profit before tax  11  456 n.a.  878  1,685 -47.9%  1,371

Revenue decreased DKK 1.4bn to DKK 2.8bn in Q2 and EBITDA before special items decreased DKK 483m to DKK 507m.

The travel restrictions imposed to limit the spread of Covid-19 created an exceptional negative set of circumstances for the passenger activities that led to a drop in their EBITDA of DKK 366m compared to 2019. Freight ferry and logistics activities performed better than expected in Q2 with a decrease in EBITDA of DKK 117m, including non-allocated items, with Logistics only decreasing DKK 7m.

Outlook 2020

The outlook for 2020 has improved following a faster than expected pickup in freight volumes towards the end of Q2 and in July. The reopening of all passenger services and a quick pickup in demand from passengers, especially between Norway and Denmark, has also reduced uncertainty.

As a consequence of the improved outlook, EBITDA before special items is now expected to be DKK 2.2-2.5bn in 2020. The expectation for EBITDA before special items was previously that it was likely to be reduced towards DKK 2bn.

Uncertainty remains elevated and the outlook and its assumptions can still change significantly in the rest of the year. The outlook is detailed on page 9 in the full report.

Read the Q2 2020 Interim Report here:


12 August 2020. Conference call today at 10.00am CET

Access code: 82381292# Phone numbers to the call: DK +45 35445577, US +1 631 913 1422, UK +44 333 300 0804


Torben Carlsen, CEO +45 33 42 32 01

Karina Deacon, CFO +45 33 42 33 42

Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59

Gert Jakobsen, Communications +45 33 42 32 97


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act 


UK DFDS Q2 2020


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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