Norsk Hydro: Paragominas bauxite pipeline in Brazil halted for extended maintenance, reducing production at Alunorte

Udgivet den 18-08-2020  |  kl. 20:55  |  

Hydro has halted operation of the pipeline transporting bauxite from Hydro's Paragominas bauxite mine to the alumina refinery Alunorte for extended maintenance, temporarily halting production at the mine, and reducing production at Alunorte.

Hydro had scheduled the replacement of two sections of the pipeline in Q3 and Q4 2020, as part of the long-term maintenance plan for the pipeline. During the planned maintenance work in Q3, it was discovered that a section of the pipeline had deteriorated faster than expected. Based on a technical assessment, it was decided today to extend the maintenance and replace this section of the pipeline earlier than initially scheduled.

The work will commence immediately, and operations are expected to resume within two months.

During this period, production at Alunorte will be reduced, expected to a level between 35-45 percent of full capacity, to balance bauxite inventories. The reduced production will impact the financial results for Q3 2020.

Hydro is taking all necessary measures to mitigate any customer impact.


Line Haugetraa
Head of Investor Relations
+47 41406376

Halvor Molland
Senior vice president, Media Relations
+47 92979797

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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