Garden centre Plantorama picks Agillic to accelerate data-driven and personalised marketing
Press release, Copenhagen, 1 September 2020
Plantorama, Denmark's largest garden centre offering plants, pets and interior design, has chosen to partner with marketing software company Agillic. Their new marketing automation software will enable them to unleash the next level of data-driven and personalised communication.
Working with Agillic is a clear upgrade - we had reached a point where our former platform didn't meet our needs. One of the reasons why we chose Agillic is because it enables us to work with data the way we want to. The flexible and customer-centric data structure is unique to Agillic. We have high ambitions for our data-driven communication - and with Agillic, we don't feel restricted, says Heidi Kørner Bjørn, SoMe manager at Plantorama.
She continues: We offer high-quality goods, professional advice and inspiration. Our objective is to create excellent customer experiences in our physical shops as well as through our marketing communication. By activating our content in data-driven and personalised communication, in campaigns as well as customer lifecycle flows, we provide extra value to our customers - it is the overall experience and the value-add that sets us apart and creates loyal customers.
Mastering and activating data intelligently is essential to any business today, and to Plantorama the ongoing digital transformation was accelerated during spring 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Plantorama sped up their webshop launch to meet the sudden shift in consumer behaviour during the lock-down and keep the business running. Already, webshop data is a valuable source of customer insights that Plantorama can leverage in the daily operations through the Agillic Customer Marketing Platform.
Emre Gürsoy, CEO of Agillic, comments: We are looking forward to helping Plantorama to boost ROI from their marketing activities as they strengthen their brand and customer experience through personalised communication. He continues:
Winning Plantorama is part of a trend where we welcome clients that have outgrown their marketing automation solution and are ready for the next level. They are looking for software to increase personalisation, and for many businesses, this also means taking on omnichannel marketing. It all boils down to the ability to leverage data on a strategic and operational level, and there Agillic has a lot to offer.
To help Plantorama onboard smoothly and to ensure a fast time to value, Agillic's partner, Web2Media, is working closely with Plantorama. Web2Media has also helped Indeks Retail A/S (Bog & Idé, BOGhandleren, Legekæden) and Kop & Kande to implement Agillic. Says Web2Media advisor Jacob Fusager:
One of our first focus areas is to help Plantorama enable a more comprehensive data collection. By creating additional data fields, we allow a higher degree of relevance and personalisation in communication. I am confident that Plantorama will achieve their business goals with Agillic's sophisticated and highly reliable platform.
For further information, please contact
Emre Gürsoy, CEO, Agillic A/S
+45 3078 4200
About Plantorama
Since opening their first garden centre in 1987, Plantorama's range has grown to encompass garden and potted plants, soil and fertiliser, flowerpots, home decor as well as live animals and animal accessories in 11 centres around Denmark. In March 2020, Plantorama opened up a webshop, and in 2021 two new centres are scheduled to open.
About Agillic A/S
Agillic is a Nordic software company enabling marketers to maximise the use of data and translate it into relevant and personalised communication, establishing strong relations between people and brands. Our customer marketing platform uses AI to enhance the business value of customer communication. By combining data-driven customer insights with the ability to execute personalised communication, we provide our clients with a head start in the battle of winning markets and customers.
Besides the company headquarter in Copenhagen, Agillic has sales offices in London (UK), Stockholm (Sweden), as well as a development unit in Kiev (Ukraine). For further information, please visit
Agillic A/S Nasdaq First North Copenhagen: AGILC
Gammel Mønt 2 - 1171 Copenhagen K - Denmark
Plantorama center Press release Plantorama picks Agillic
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