Major shareholder notification - Société Générale S.A.

Udgivet den 09-09-2020  |  kl. 07:26  |  

GN Store Nord A/S hereby announces that on September 8, 2020 it received a notification from Société Générale S.A. stating that:

on September 4, 2020 Société Générale S.A. held financial instruments, cf. section 39(2)(2) of the Danish Capital Markets Act, representing 4.72% of the share capital and voting rights in GN Store Nord A/S, and on September 7, 2020 Société Générale S.A. held shares and financial instruments, cf. sections 38 and 39(2)(2) of the Danish Capital Markets Act, representing 0.01% and 5.06%, respectively, (in aggregate 5.07%) of the share capital and voting rights in GN Store Nord A/S.

For further information, please contact:

Investors and analysts
Morten P. Toft
Vice President - Investor Relations & Treasury
Tel: +45 45 75 46 07


Rune Sandager
Senior Manager - Investor Relations 
Tel: +45 45 75 92 57

Press and the media
Lars Otto Andersen-Lange
Head of Media Relations & Corporate Public Affairs
Tel: +45 45 75 02 55

About GN Group 
The GN Group enables people to Hear More, Do More and Be More through its intelligent hearing, audio and video collaboration solutions. Inspired by people and driven by our innovation leadership, we leverage technological synergies between our hearing and audio divisions to deliver unique and increasingly individualized user experiences in our products and solutions.

150 years ago, GN was founded with a truly innovative and global mindset. Today, we honor that legacy with world-leading expertise in the human ear, sound and video processing, wireless technology, miniaturization and collaborations with leading technology partners. GN's solutions are marketed by the brands ReSound, Beltone, Interton, Jabra, BlueParrott and FalCom in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, the GN Group employs 6,500 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO).

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Announcement 29 - Major shareholder notification


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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