Solutions 30 Enters the Sbf 120 Index

Udgivet den 10-09-2020  |  kl. 18:15  |  

Solutions 30 SE, the European leader in solutions for new technologies, enters the SBF 120 and CAC Mid 60 indices. This decision by the Euronext Paris Expert Indices Committee will be effective on September 18th, 2020, at the close of trading.

The SBF 120 is one of the flagship indices of the Paris Stock Exchange. It includes the top 120 stocks listed on Euronext Paris in terms of liquidity and market capitalization.

A few months after its transfer to Euronext Paris, joining these indices represents another important stock market milestone for Solutions 30. When the group was listed on Euronext Access in 2005, it had a market capitalization of €4.5 million. Four years later, it was valued at €56 million when its shares were transferred to Euronext Growth. On July 23rd, Solutions 30 joined Euronext Paris with a market capitalization of €1.5 billion. This stock market evolution reflects the operating performance of Solutions 30 as it pursues a strategy of strong growth and profitability in large and fast-growing markets.

Gianbeppi Fortis, Chief Executive Officer, states: "We are extremely pleased to join the SBF 120. This index entry underscores the quality of Solutions 30's stock market performance, which in turn reflects our ability to execute a dynamic and ambitious growth strategy. In just a few years, Solutions 30 has become the European leader in local digital services for major international groups, locking in markets driven by very favorable structural trends, such as the digital transformation and the decarbonization of the economy. Our flexible and efficient business model, combined with the potential and recurrent nature of our markets, leaves little room for doubt about the years of growth to come. The unfailing commitment of our teams and their constant efforts to improve our processes and structure will continue to underpin our success as we move forward."

About Solutions 30 SE

The Solutions 30 group is the European leader in solutions for new technologies. Its mission is to make the technological developments that are transforming our daily lives accessible to everyone, individuals and businesses alike. Yesterday, it was computers and the Internet. Today, it's digital technology. Tomorrow, it will be technologies that make the world even more interconnected in real time. With more than 30 million call-outs carried out since it was founded and a network of more than 10,000 local technicians, Solutions 30 currently covers all of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Iberian Peninsula, and Poland. The share capital of Solutions 30 SE consists of 107,127,984 shares, equal to the number of theoretical votes that can be exercised.
Solutions 30 S.E. is listed on the Euronext Paris exchange (ISIN FR0013379484- code S30). Indices: MSCI Europe Small Cap Tech40 CAC PME SBF120* CAC Mid 60*. Visit our website for more information:

*as of September 18th, 2020


Analysts/investors:  Nathalie Boumendil Tel: +33 (0)6 85 82 41 95
Press: Samuel Beaupain Tel: + 352 2 777 4210


S30-SBF120 EN


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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