Suominen introduces BIOLACE® Pure - a 100% plant-based product with superior cleaning power

Udgivet den 14-09-2020  |  kl. 11:00  |  

Suominen Corporation's press release on September 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. (EEST)

Suominen, a global frontrunner in nonwoven innovations and sustainability, introduces BIOLACE® Pure for wipes. The product is made of biodegradable, compostable, and renewable plant-based fibers and wood pulp from certified forests. The product does not contain any chemical binders or plastics. As the newest product in Suominen's sustainable BIOLACE® product family, BIOLACE® Pure is designed to meet the growing wipes market's increasing demand for sustainable, plastic-free materials.

"BIOLACE® Pure offers our customers a unique, sustainable option that does not compromise on the most important features needed for a perfect wet wipe. Its 3-layer solution guarantees optimal liquid management and the soft outer layers ensure that the wipe cleans effectively, yet softly," says Marika Mäkilä, Manager, Marketing and Category Management, Europe.

The development of this innovative material with excellent liquid management and cleaning properties is based on Suominen's long history and know-how in producing pulp-based products. Compared e.g. to 100% viscose product for wipes, BIOLACE® Pure brings superior cleaning power with a lighter carbon footprint and a lower environmental impact.

"Global environmental concerns, such as climate change and marine plastic pollution, are creating new market expectations and demand for sustainable nonwoven products. These global challenges drive also us to continuously develop innovative solutions with smaller environmental impacts and our novel BIOLACE® Pure is a great example of our efforts.," concludes Marika Mäkilä.

BIOLACE® Pure will be commercially available in 2021.


For more information, please contact:
Marika Mäkilä, Manager, Marketing and Category Management, Europe, tel. +358 50 384 4014,
Investor and media contact: Emilia Peltola, VP, Communications, IR and Sustainability, tel. +358 50540 9747,

Suominen manufactures nonwovens as roll goods for wipes and other applications. Our vision is to be the frontrunner for nonwovens innovation and sustainability. The end products made of Suominen's nonwovens, such as wet wipes, feminine care products and swabs, are present in people's daily life worldwide. Suominen's net sales in 2019 were EUR 411.4 million and we have nearly 700 professionals working in Europe and in the Americas. Suominen's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Read more at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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