Ringkjøbing Landbobank's quarterly report for the first three quarters of 2020

Udgivet den 28-10-2020  |  kl. 06:30  |  

Nasdaq Copenhagen
London Stock Exchange
Other stakeholders

28 October 2020

Ringkjøbing Landbobank's quarterly report for the first three quarters of 2020

In March 2020 we downwardly adjusted our expectations for core earnings and profit before tax as a result of the coronavirus crisis. During the first, second and third quarters we have built up large management reserves for handling of later impairment charges. The effect on the bank's core earnings, however, has been less negative than expected in March, and earlier this month we therefore upwardly adjusted our expectations for core earnings and for profit before tax.

Core earnings

(DKK million) Q1-Q3
2019 2018  2017 2016
Total core income 1,613 1,586 2,116 2,001 1,917 1,861
Total expenses and depreciation 576 593 805 866 845 815
Core earnings before impairment charges for loans 1,037 993 1,311 1,135 1,072 1,046
Impairment charges for loans etc. -185 -75 -100 -43 -70 -211
Core earnings 852 918 1,211 1,092 1,002 835
Result for the portfolio etc. -24 +53 +49 +77 +84 +78
Special costs 11 11 15 217 22 22
Profit before tax 817 960 1,245 952 1,064 891

Highlights of the first three quarters of 2020

Our main focus during the coronavirus pandemic has been and still is to help our customers and business partners - and of course to ensure safe working conditions for our employees.Income increases by 2% and expenses decrease by 3%, reducing the bank's rate of costs to 35.7%.After impairment charges of DKK 44 million in the third quarter, the management estimates increases by DKK 17 million to DKK 541 million.7% decrease in core earnings to DKK 852 million.15% decrease in profit before tax to DKK 817 million.Growth in loans of 2% relative to the end of September 2019 and 1% during the third quarter of 2020.Moody's upgrades the bank's long-term deposits rating from A1 to Aa3.

Yours sincerely

Ringkjøbing Landbobank

John Fisker


Q3 Rapport 2020 - EN


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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