TeraRecon Launches NVIDIA-Powered Clinical Training Cloud for Global Education

Udgivet den 30-11-2020  |  kl. 10:00  |  

DURHAM, N.C., Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TeraRecon, the leading provider of AI-driven advanced visualization solutions, today announced the debut of their Clinical Training Cloud for affordable imaging-based education initiatives across the US and Europe. As a technology partner of TeraRecon, NVIDIA has supported the effort by contributing powerful image rendering and AI processing resources to the infrastructure for premium 3D system performance and scalability.

The TeraRecon Clinical Training Cloud was created to address the need for widely distributed remote access to advanced visualization tools in support of physician and technologist education. The cloud-based system provides users access to the full suite of multi-specialty advanced visualization workflows within TeraRecon's Intuition, enabling real-time post processing and on-demand performance.

TeraRecon has been widely adopted for many years by physician-led cardiac and vascular training courses and fellowships around the globe. The all-new Clinical Training Cloud has expanded TeraRecon's reach to serve the diverse needs of its customers and industry partners, most recently with HeartFlow, to educate physicians about coronary CTA and FFRct, and Penn Medicine.

Lance Scott, Chief Commercial Officer, HeartFlow commented, "Our work with TeraRecon recognizes the important role that advanced diagnostic tools, artificial intelligence, and cloud solutions play in driving the full adoption of new high-impact imaging modalities."

"Cloud has emerged as the new medium for technology and is growing in popularity with the healthcare community," said Dr. Mona Flores, Global Head of Medical AI at NVIDIA. "Given the current remote access state of global healthcare, NVIDIA feels it is imperative to empower clinicians to support continuing education for the medical imaging community, and TeraRecon's Clinical Training Cloud Platform achieves that goal."

To learn more about TeraRecon's Clinical Training Cloud, contact info@terarecon.com.

About TeraRecon: TeraRecon is a leader in medical advanced visualization and artificial intelligence solutions. Their flagship product, Intuition, is the 2020 KLAS category leader for advanced visualization and holds the number one market share for US 3D imaging. Recently acquired by SymphonyAI Group, TeraRecon is one of seven portfolio companies and is strategically focused on AI-driven innovation in healthcare. The company continues to innovate ahead of customer demand and has most recently developed sophisticated healthcare-focused artificial intelligence platform solutions unlike any in the world today. As a company with a 20-year history of innovation, TeraRecon's mission is to continuously redefine medical advanced visualization by leveraging artificial intelligence to improve patient care. Website: www.terarecon.com

Contact Marketing at info@terarecon.com and 650.372.1100 

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/f5bf313b-81e0-4ee8-bd14-4986e9012d16


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