Bergman & Beving AB: Bergman & Beving acquires patent portfolio

Udgivet den 04-12-2020  |  kl. 12:00  |  

Press release

Bergman & Beving acquires patent portfolio

Bergman & Beving, through its subsidiary ESSVE Produkter AB, has today acquired all shares in Atricon AB which has an interesting patent portfolio within lightweight wall mounting. The turnover, mainly consisting of license revenues, amounts to approximately MSEK 2 on an annual basis.

The patented products provide, among other things, the opportunity to nail most types of drywalls, which provide great time savings and better ergonomics. The products also provide significant environmental benefits.

"With these products, we strengthen our position in the fastening market, and broaden our offer in lightweight wall mounting. The products also complement our ambitions to grow internationally", says Morten Bredesen, Head of ESSVE.

Closing is taking effect immediately and the acquisition is expected to have a marginal positive effect on Bergman & Beving's earnings per share during the current fiscal year.

Stockholm, 4 December 2020

Bergman & Beving AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Pontus Boman, President and CEO, phone +46 10 454 77 00
Peter Schön, CFO, phone +46 70 339 89 99

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 13:00 CET on 4 December 2020.

Bergman & Beving owns and refines companies that develop and market strong brands for professional users in industry and construction, mainly in the Nordic region, the Baltic States and Poland. Bergman & Beving aims to enable successful product companies to take the next step and become leading brands in their categories. The Group currently has some 20 brands, about 1,000 employees and revenue of approximately SEK 4 billion. Bergman & Beving is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more on the company's website:




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