Alternative Specialist, ITERAM Capital, Granted Asset Manager Licence

Udgivet den 13-01-2021  |  kl. 09:00  |  

GENEVA, Switzerland, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ITERAM Capital SA, an independent alternative investment company, is pleased to announce that it has been authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as an authorized asset manager of collective investment schemes. This new licence is an addition to the company's current licence of providing representation services for foreign collective investment schemes to qualified investors in Switzerland received in 2017. With these two authorizations, ITERAM aims to become a leading alternative asset manager player covering private markets, hedge funds, and liquid fund alternatives.

Commenting on this new licence, Manuel Garzelli, Partner and CEO of ITERAM, said: "A major milestone has been achieved at ITERAM. The company will be able to accelerate its growth by strengthening its Swiss presence and activities as an innovative and reliable alternative investment and lending specialist. This recognition underlines the company's strong commitment to a rigorous framework for its asset management and fund representation activities, and will meet the expectations of Swiss and foreign professional and institutional clients." Marc Sbeghen, Founder and Head of Research, added, "We are proud to have met the stringent regulatory requirements and be able to provide investors access to alternative investments that have the potential to generate consistent returns independent of broader market directionality."

Drawing on their expertise of more than two decades in the alternative industry, the managing partners and members of the executive committee, Manuel Garzelli and Marc Sbeghen, offer a solid partnership to its clients. ITERAM's value proposition encompasses the full alternative spectrum from financing and direct investments to multi-manager portfolios, in private markets and hedge funds. Professional and institutional investors will be able to select from investment solutions wrapped into commingled Luxembourg funds, direct and co-investment transactions and customized support in bespoke advisory mandates. Several funds advised by ITERAM have been recognised and shortlisted in risk-adjusted and absolute return performance terms, across different categories at European and Swiss performance awards ceremonies thanks to the funds' performance resilience in times of high market volatility.

In order to support this expansion, the company has strengthened its regulatory and corporate governance with the appointment of Yves Claude Aubert, an experienced financial advisor and independent director, as Chairman of the Board alongside Jaume Sabater as Vice-Chairman. Moreover, the company has appointed a new director, Laurent Auchlin, an expert in the asset management sector. The mandate of Jean-Yves Rebord, an experienced attorney in Banking and Finance, has been extended.


ITERAM Capital SA, located in Geneva (Switzerland), has been established in 2015 and is regulated and authorized by FINMA as an authorized asset manager of collective investment schemes and as a representative agent of foreign collective investment schemes to qualified investors in Switzerland. The company acts as the investment manager for several Luxembourg based funds and offers alternative investment advisory, financing and research services. More information is available at

Media Contact:
Debora Lettieri
+41 22 552 23 44


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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