Changes to the management in Vestjysk Bank A/S

Udgivet den 14-01-2021  |  kl. 09:07  |  

Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S

14 January 2021

As a result of the merger between Vestjysk Bank A/S (Vestjysk Bank) and Den Jyske Sparekasse A/S, where all conditions are met as of today, Vestjysk Bank has registered the following changes to the management at the Danish Business Authority:

The board of directors

The board of directors that prior to the merger consisted of Kim Duus (chairman), Lars Holst (vice chairman), Bent Simonsen, Claus Jensen, Karina Boldsen, Nicolai Hansen, Bolette van Ingen Bro, Mette Holmegaard Nielsen (employee representative), Jacob Møllegaard (employee representative) and Martin Sand Thomsen (employee representative) consists upon implementation of the merger and until the annual general meeting 2022 of Kim Duus (chairman), Niels Fessel (vice chariman), Lars Langhoff, Jan Nordstrøm, Lars Holst, Bent Simonsen, Claus Jensen, Bolette van Ingen Bro, Hanne Træholt Odegaard, Jacob Møllegaard (employee representative), Mette Holmegaard Nielsen (employee representative), Karsten Westergaard Hansen (employee representative) og Sten Louie (employee representative).

The executive board

The executive board that prior to the merger consisted of Jan Ulsø Madsen as CEO and Michael Nelander Pedersen as managing director consists upon implementation of the merger of Jan Ulsø Madsen as CEO, Claus E. Petersen as deputy CEO, Michael Nelander Petersen as managing director and Torben Sørensen as managing director. Claus E. Petersen og Torben Sørensen came from Den Jyske Sparekasse with thorough experience within the banking industry.

For further information regarding the management's professional competences, please refer to the merger announcement published in company announcement of 17 December 2020. 

Vestjysk Bank A/S

Jan Ulsø Madsen                 

Vestjysk Bank A/S
Torvet 4-5
DK-7620 Lemvig
Telephone +45 96 63 20 00

CVR-no. 34 63 13 28


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk