Spire Global and Pole Star Illuminate the Seas with Data from Space

Udgivet den 28-01-2021  |  kl. 14:00  |  

Space To Cloud Analytics supports maritime search and rescue and safety of life operations, improving visibility in dangerous waters

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spire Global, one of the world's largest space-powered data and analytics companies, announced today that it will be working with Pole Star to provide all global data, for satellite, terrestrial, and Dynamic™ AIS to one of the six branches of the United States Armed Forces.

This collaborative effort originated with Spire providing solely satellite-based AIS data for 70 degrees North and above (the Arctic region) to now providing all global data, for satellite, terrestrial, and Dynamic™ AIS to Pole Star to assist in providing critical maritime data services to government agencies.

"Spire Global is becoming an industry-standard in the maritime industry. This effort is a big step towards cementing that," said Ben Minichino, President of Pole Star USA. "Both Pole Star and Spire have complementary technologies, and together we can provide cutting-edge services and systems in the maritime space."

Spire will directly support Pole Star in search and rescue and safety of life operations, assisting the company in improving global maritime operations for one of the six branches of the U.S. military. Spire will provide deeper insights into areas that are difficult to cover with traditional terrestrial AIS, such as Alaska and the Arctic region, as well as open ocean and coastal zones, which only space based AIS can cover. Spire's unique Dynamic™ AIS will also provide coverage in notoriously difficult High Traffic Zones (HTZs) near busy ports and waterways around the world.

"Major Government agencies and Pole Star extensively evaluated our data and found that our latency met or exceeded their newly implemented standards. This is a great example and real-world validation of how Spire is adding value with new types of data and new ways to apply it to increase efficiencies, and rapid, organic growth," said Keith E. Johnson, Vice President and GM Federal, Spire Global.

About Spire Global Inc.
Spire is a space-powered data and analytics platform that offers unique datasets and powerful insights about Earth from the ultimate vantage point so organizations can make decisions with confidence, accuracy, and speed. Spire uses the largest multi-purpose satellite constellation to source and enrich data with the most accurate predictive solutions so organizations can rapidly course-correct, deploy resources, mitigate risk, and save lives. Spire gives commercial and government organizations an unprecedented competitive advantage to innovate and solve the world's toughest problems from space. Spire has offices in San Francisco, Boulder, Washington DC, Glasgow, Luxembourg, Singapore. To learn more, visit spire.com

About Pole Star Space Applications (USA) Inc.
Pole Star (USA) is a St. Petersburg, FL based, privately held, London headquartered technology company. Since opening in 1998, Pole Star has pushed the limits of innovation, mitigating growing threats to ships, supply chains, cargo, territorial waters and, most importantly, lives within the maritime infrastructure and beyond. Pole Star designs, builds, and supports National Data Centers on behalf of over 60 governments and flag administrations: monitoring more than 40,000 ships, for over 1000 clients. Pole Star continues to develop new ways of turning complex geospatial data into accessible insight across critical government maritime safety, surveillance, regulatory conformance, sanctions screening, trade compliance, tracking, and security.



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