Launch of Long-Term Incentive Plan

Udgivet den 29-01-2021  |  kl. 12:23  |  

In accordance with the Remuneration Policy approved at the annual general meeting on 17 December 2019, Ambu A/S has today launched a long-term incentive plan for the Executive Board. In addition, 186 key employees in the global organisation are enrolled in the plan on similar terms. In the plan, the Executive Board receives a total of up to 66,410 Performance Share Units (PSUs) while key employees receive a total of up to 139.266 PSUs. Each PSU may at vesting - on 1 January 2024 - be converted to one B share in Ambu A/S subject to the terms of the program.

The plan covers the financial year 2020/21, and the PSUs will be allocated based on how targets for organic revenue growth for 2020/21 are achieved. Final allocation will be within 0-100% of the grant. The aggregate fair market value of the total allocation at the time of grant equals DKK 43m.

Depending on the future development of the share price of the Ambu B share, the value of the PSUs will, at the time of vesting, be capped at four times the annual base salary measured at the time of the grant.

The share price used for calculating the number of PSUs has, in accordance with the policy, been the day of the annual general meeting in Ambu A/S in December 2020 and the following four trading days (9-15 December 2020).


Nicolai Thomsen, Director, Investor Relations, / +45 2620 8047

Mikkel Trier Wagner, Director, Corporate Communications, / +45 4191 0830


Company announcement no. 10 2020_21


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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