Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Responds to EU Beating Cancer Plan

Udgivet den 03-02-2021  |  kl. 14:00  |  

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Responds to EU Beating Cancer Plan

ATMPs are uniquely positioned to attack cancer at its source, bringing life-changing benefits to patients

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - February 3, 2021

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) -- the 'global voice' of the regenerative medicine and advanced therapies sector -- applauds the EU Beating Cancer Plan's identification of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) as part of a comprehensive cancer solution. ATMPs include cell and gene therapies that have already revolutionized the treatment of some aggressive forms of blood cancers and hold great promise for addressing other types of cancer.

In particular, ARM:

Agrees with the Plan's comprehensive approach, including its focus on addressing the root causes of cancer and promoting innovative, personalized cancer treatments. ATMPs for cancer, including CAR-Ts, in many cases are produced using a patient's own cells - the very definition of 'personalized'Notes that there are already three EMA-approved CAR-T therapies to address aggressive blood cancers that have not responded to conventional treatmentsHighlights that its members are developing similar therapies to address solid tumors, while gene-editing technologies - including CRISPR, which won the Nobel prize in chemistry in 2020 - have the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment by targeting some cancers at their genetic sourcesUnderlines the importance of cell and gene therapies in the future of oncology with roughly one half of all 383 Phase I cell, gene, and tissue-based therapy trials focused on immuno-oncology (as of Dec 2020)Applauds the Plan's links to the 'European Health Data Space' and its intention to address the current fragmentation of health data in the EU that could benefit HTAs, facilitate cross border treatment, and fast-track Real World Evidence/Data -- all of which would have clear benefits for patient access to life-changing therapiesHighlights its commitment to improving the quality of life for cancer patients and their caregivers, which ATMPs address via durable and potentially curative approaches. Additionally, ARM agrees with the Plan that people in the EU should have access to 'curative' healthcare of good quality.

Paige Bischoff, SVP of Global Public Affairs at ARM, commented: "We believe that ATMPs are some of the most powerful weapons that we have to beat cancer. The Beating Cancer Plan recognizes that ATMPs should be part of a comprehensive cancer solution -- ARM looks forward to engaging with and supporting the EU's efforts to harness the durable and potentially curative nature of cell and gene therapies. The existing treatments include EMA-approved 'personalized' CAR-T therapies, which genetically re-engineer patients' own immune cells to identify and attack some forms of cancers. And looking to the future, innovation in gene-editing technologies may enable us to tackle some cancers at their source - the genome."

Press enquiries

For more information or for media requests, please contact Stephen Majors from the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine at or Consilium Strategic Communications at

About the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) is the leading international advocacy organisation dedicated to realizing the promise of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). ARM promotes legislative, regulatory and reimbursement initiatives in Europe and internationally to advance this innovative and transformative sector, which includes cell therapies, gene therapies and tissue-based therapies. Early products to market have demonstrated profound, durable and potentially curative benefits that are already helping thousands of patients worldwide, many of whom have no other viable treatment options. Hundreds of additional product candidates contribute to a robust pipeline of potentially life-changing ATMPs. In its 11-year history, ARM has become the global voice of the sector, representing the interests of 370+ members worldwide and 70+ members across 15 European countries, including small and large companies, academic research institutions, major medical centres and patient groups. To learn more about ARM or to become a member, visit


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