CMR Surgical | Germany, Europe's medtech powerhouse, installs first Versius system

Udgivet den 16-02-2021  |  kl. 07:00  |  

Germany, Europe's medtech powerhouse, installs first Versius system

·Germany is the latest global market to introduce Versius, joining a number of leading hospitals across Europe, India and Australia to adopt the next-generation system

·Versius has been introduced into Klinikum Chemnitz in Saxony, where it will be used across general surgery.

CAMBRIDGE, UK - 16 February 2021, 00:01 (GMT). CMR Surgical (CMR) today announced the introduction of its Versius® Surgical Robotic System in Germany. Klinikum Chemnitz - a leading public hospital based in Saxony - is the first German hospital to install Versius, which has now been used in over 1000 clinical cases across Europe, Australia and India. Versius will be used by Klinikum Chemnitz in a broad range of laparoscopic (minimal access or keyhole) procedures. In addition, the hospital will undertake an early stage clinical programme in partnership with international experts to explore the use of Versius in thoracics.

Introduction into Germany marks an important milestone for CMR, as one of the largest surgical robotics markets in Europe. The country is renowned for early adoption and development of cutting-edge medtech innovations and last year the government confirmed €3 billion funding for hospitals to boost their digitalisation - including introducing more surgical robotics. Klinikum Chemnitz is widely recognised in Germany a leader in digitally integrated healthcare solutions.

Per Vegard Nerseth, Chief Executive Officer of CMR commented: "This launch into Germany showcases Versius' value to one of the most highly held health care systems in the world. We are excited to install our first system today at one of Germany's most forward-thinking hospitals. Germany is a market leader in Europe and paves the way for us to further accelerate our roll out of Versius across a number of new markets in Europe in the coming months."

Professor Dr Lutz Mirow, Chief Physician of General and Visceral Surgery at Klinikum Chemnitz, comments:
"At Klinikum Chemnitz we are proud to be able to say that we are leading the way in adopting new medical technologies to improve patient outcomes, and the installation of Versius supports this position. We are thrilled to be able to work closely on a clinical programme with CMR to significantly boost uptake of robotic MAS in the country."

Laparoscopic procedures are associated with a wide range of patient benefits; however, many are highly complex and when performed manually, without the assistance of robotics, they can place a huge physical demand on surgeons. Versius was designed with ergonomics in mind to help reduce stress and fatigue for surgeons.

Dr Sven Seifert, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Thoracic, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Klinikum Chemnitz, commented: "Versius has a unique and versatile design meaning that is simple to set up and adapt to the individual needs of different procedures, which is extremely helpful for both a surgeon and the surgical teams. It can also be moved easily between operating theatres meaning that multiple teams working across difference disciplines can benefit from a Versius. For patients, the advantages are numerous. From a reduced length of time in hospital following surgery to reduced pain, it's an enormous step forward for patient care."

The introduction of Versius into Germany comes at a significant time for CMR. Following recent announcements of market entry into France and Australia, the company is continuing to rapidly expand its global footprint in 2021 with subsequent market launches to follow.

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Media Contacts:

If you wish to see more, please contact CMR Surgical at:

Press Office, CMR Surgical
T +44(0) 1223 755801

Notes to Editors:

About Klinikum Chemnitz

Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH is a maximum care hospital and is wholly owned by the city of Chemnitz.

The hospital emerged in 1994 from the Städtische Kliniken, whose historical roots lie in the medieval Hospital St. Georg, which was founded in the 14th century. The non-profit company has 1.785 beds at three locations in Chemnitz. It is thus Germany's third-largest hospital under municipal ownership.

In 2019, around 73.000 patients were treated as full and partial inpatients and around 100.000 patients as outpatients at Klinikum Chemnitz. Currently, more than 7.000 people are employed at Klinikum Chemnitz as well as its subsidiaries and affiliates. In 2019, the Klinikum Chemnitz Group realized annual sales of approximately €529 million.

Klinikum Chemnitz is an academic teaching hospital of the universities in Dresden and Leipzig. The TU Dresden and Klinikum Chemnitz jointly offer the medical model course of studies MEDiC.

The Versius Surgical Robotic System

Versius® resets expectations of robotic surgery. Versius fits into virtually any operating room set-up and integrates seamlessly into existing workflows, increasing the likelihood of robotic minimal access surgery (MAS). The portable and modular design of Versius allows the surgeon to only use the number of arms needed for a given procedure.

Biomimicking the human arm, Versius gives surgeons the choice of optimised port placement alongside the dexterity and accuracy of small fully-wristed instruments. With 3D HD vision, easy-to adopt instrument control and a choice of ergonomic working positions, the open surgeon console has the potential to reduce stress and fatigue and allows for clear communication with the surgical team. By thinking laparoscopically and operating robotically with Versius, patients, surgeons and healthcare professionals can all benefit from the value that robotic MAS brings.

But it's more than just a robot. Versius captures meaningful data with its wider digital ecosystem to support a surgeon's continuous learning. Through the Versius Connect app, Versius Trainer and CMR clinical registry, Versius unleashes a wealth of insights to ultimately improve surgical care.

About CMR Surgical Limited

CMR Surgical (CMR) is a global medical devices company dedicated to transforming surgery with Versius®, a next-generation surgical robot.

Headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom, CMR is committed to working with surgeons, surgical teams and hospital partners, to provide an optimal tool to make robotic minimal access surgery universally accessible and affordable. With Versius, we are on a mission to redefine the surgical robotics market with practical, innovative technology and data that can improve surgical care.

Founded in 2014, CMR Surgical is a private limited company backed by an international shareholder base.


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