Grant of warrants

Udgivet den 07-05-2021  |  kl. 12:15  |  

Company announcement no 7-2021

Søborg, May 7, 2021

Grant of warrants

Today, the Board of Directors of Konsolidator A/S has exercised part of its current authorization by issuing 270,000 warrants to selected employees of the company.

The warrants are issued in accordance with the company's guidelines for incentive-based remuneration and the authorization in section 4 of the Articles of Association.

Each warrant grants the holder the right to subscribe for one share of DKK 0.04 in the Company. The exercise price is fixed at DKK 31.09 per share corresponding to the average of the average share price as made public by Nasdaq First North Growth Market for the Konsolidator share on the 5 trading days prior to the date on which the Board of Directors decided to grant the warrants. The warrants will vest with a third in 3 annual installments starting from June 1, 2022. Warrants that have not been exercised will expire automatically on April 30, 2026. Warrants can be exercised in a period of four weeks after the Company's announcements of the annual report and interim reports.

The program includes condition on accelerated vesting in case of change of control, e.g., a takeover bid, resolution, and business transfer.

The detailed terms of all warrants issued by the Company can be found in the Articles of Association on

After this grant of warrants the total number of outstanding warrants is 517,500.

"This is the second time we issue warrants to our employees. The first time was last year in June. We believe that issuing warrants to all employees is an important part of our journey as well as to attract and retain talented employee" says CEO, Claus Finderup Grove.

About Konsolidator

Konsolidator A/S is a financial consolidation software company whose primary objective is to make Group CFOs around the world better through automated financial consolidation and reporting in the cloud. Created by CFOs and auditors and powered by innovative technology, Konsolidator removes the complexity of financial consolidation and enables the CFO to save time and gain actionable insights based on key performance data to become a vital part of strategic decision-making.

For further information: CEO Claus Finderup Grove, mobile. +45 2095 2988, e-mail:

Konsolidator A/S
Vandtårnsvej 38A
2860 Søborg

Certified Adviser
Grant Thornton
Stockholmsgade 45
2100 Copenhagen


Company announcement no 7-2021


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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