Accellion FTA Customers Migrate to Kiteworks® to Protect Their Most Sensitive Data

Udgivet den 18-05-2021  |  kl. 12:00  |  

Approximately 75% of FTA Customers Have So Far Migrated to Kiteworks

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accellion, Inc., provider of Kiteworks, the industry's first enterprise content firewall, today announced approximately 75% of FTA customers impacted by the zero day vulnerabilities in December 2020 and January 2021, have so far migrated from Accellion's legacy product to the Kiteworks content firewall.

The majority of Accellion's FTA customers have migrated to Kiteworks in just the first sixty days since the January 2021 zero day vulnerability was resolved. Accellion is proud to announce these FTA customers have chosen to continue their relationship with Accellion by migrating to Accellion's modern platform, Kiteworks.

FTA in some customer environments was deeply integrated with complex business processes and posed a challenge for migration efforts. Accellion's Customer Success and Technical Support teams worked closely with these customers to mitigate business disruption. Accellion continues to support these customers to ensure successful post-migration activity.

These customers now join hundreds of other former FTA customers who have migrated to Kiteworks in the last four years. Now on Kiteworks, customers take full advantage of the Kiteworks platform to expand their use cases.

"We at Accellion deeply regret this recent event, however, I am very proud of our team's dedicated and tireless efforts to help FTA customers get back online," said Jonathan Yaron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Accellion. "Following the discovery of the zero day vulnerability and prior to migrating, we offered FTA customers free forensic assistance, as well as an independent forensic analysis by FireEye Mandiant, access to Accellion senior management, migration services to Kiteworks, or migration assistance to customers who elected to terminate their relationship with Accellion.

"We are excited for our migrating customers to see firsthand just how superior Kiteworks is to FTA. They now have a modern, secure and FedRAMP compliant platform that protects and consolidates security and governance for all of their third-party communications."

To learn more how Accellion helps organizations secure their third-party communications, please visit Kiteworks Content Firewall.

About Accellion
The Accellion Kiteworks content firewall prevents data breaches and compliance violations from sensitive third-party communications. With Accellion, CIOs and CISOs gain complete visibility, compliance, and control over IP, PII, PHI, and other sensitive content across all third-party communication channels, including email, file sharing, mobile, enterprise apps, web portals, SFTP, and automated inter-business workflows. Accellion has protected more than 25 million end users at more than 3,000 global corporations and government agencies, including NYC Health + Hospitals; KPMG; Kaiser Permanente; Tyler Technologies; and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). For more information, please visit or call (650) 485-4300. Follow Accellion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Accellion's Blog.

Media Contact
Rob Dougherty
(650) 687-3163

Accellion and Kiteworks are registered trademarks of Accellion USA LLC. in the US and other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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