SATO's Sustainability report 2023: We publish our first carbon roadmap and a roadmap for biodiversity, which guide our sustainability work for the next years

Udgivet den 16-02-2024  |  kl. 07:00  |  

SATO Corporation
Press release, 16 February 2024 at 9:00 am

In the sustainability report we describe our sustainability work during 2023. For years, SATO has carried out long-term work to improve sustainability. Highlights in the environmental responsibility in 2023 were drewing up SATO's first carbon roadmap and biodiversity roadmap. In the area of social responsibility, we focussed on developing our occupational safety culture and processes. We also initiated diversity, equity and inclusion work (DEI) at SATO.

Our sustainability work is governed by SATO's strategy and sustainability programme 2023-2026, according to which our goal is to be a forerunner in sustainable rental housing. The themes of our sustainability programme are sustainable housing, communities' well-being and sustainably profitable business. During the year, we advanced sustainability work in line with the targets in all areas.

We focussed on the following themes in the area of environmental responsibility: carbon neutrality and energy efficiency, circular economy and biodiversity. SATO's goal is to be carbon neutral by the end of 2030 when it comes to in-use energy consumption. During the reporting year, we drew up a carbon roadmap, which specifies our interim targets and actions to achieve our carbon neutrality goal. In addition to continuous measures to improve energy efficiency, we invest in locally produced renewable energy. For example, by the end of 2030, we will switch over to geothermal heat in all our homes located in Helsinki wherever possible and where it also makes financial sense. We continuously collaborate with energy suppliers in order to save energy and increase carbon neutral energy solutions, among other things.

During the reporting year, we also prepared SATO's first biodiversity roadmap for 2024-2026. Our goal is to slow down biodiversity loss and improve biodiversity in housing development and in the areas where our existing buildings are located. We take biodiversity into consideration in everything we do, initiate actions to improve biodiversity in our properties and develop our competence in biodiversity issues.

Diverse, better together   

For SATO, social sustainability means that we look after our employees and their wellbeing at work as well as the comfort and wellbeing of our customers in healthy and safe residential environments. We continued to promote our employees' well-being and developing occupational safety.

In spring 2023, we launched the concept of good encounters, describing how we interact with other people. The concept creates a consistent approach to all interactions and serves as a tool for SATO employees. Its objective is to ensure that our customers can enjoy a consistent service experience regardless of the situation and the SATO employee and to improve the customer experience, which is a key element of our strategy.

In our sustainability programme, we are committed to promoting diversity and reducing inequality in society. During the reporting year, we initiated diversity, equity and inclusion work (DEI) at SATO. The goal of the work, which is based on our values, is to increase and reinforce SATO employees' understanding of the topic so that we can even better understand our diverse customer base, promote our personnel's well-being and engagement and continue to succeed going forward. The work will continue in 2024.

In the area of administrative and financial responsibility, we continued to develop consistent and transparent ways of working during the reporting year. We renewed our Code of Ethics for employees and co-operation partners, which can be found at our website.

You can read more on our sustainability work in Sustainability report 2023

More information on SATO's sustainability work:
Sustainability Manager Jenni Rantanen, p. +358 201 344 270,

SATO Corporation is an expert in sustainable rental housing and one of Finland's largest rental housing providers. SATO owns more than 25,000 rental homes in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Tampere and Turku.

SATO aims to provide an excellent customer experience and a comprehensive range of urban rental housing alternatives with good access to public transport and services. We promote sustainable development and work in open interaction with our stakeholders. SATO invests profitably, sustainably and with a long-term view. We increase the value of our assets through investments, divestments and repairs.




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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