ageas SA/NV organises Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Udgivet den 14-03-2024  |  kl. 07:15  |  

ageas SA/NV organises Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in the offices of ageas SA/NV, Avenue du Boulevard 21, 1210 Brussels on 17 April 2024 at 10:30 am.

Ageas published the following documents in relation to this Extraordinary General Meeting on its website,

the convening notice, together with the agenda;a specimen proxy form;the special Board of Directors report in accordance with Article 7:199 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.

It is Ageas's experience from previous years that this meeting does not attain the required quorum - a representation of at least 50% of the capital. Therefore, this first Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 17 April 2024 is unlikely to be able to make valid decisions. If the required attendance quorum for this meeting would not be met, Ageas will issue an invitation to a second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders together with the invitation to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ageas SA/NV on 13 April 2024. Both Meetings would then take place on Wednesday 15 May 2024.

Any questions relating to this Meeting may be sent to

Ageas is a listed international insurance Group with a heritage spanning of 200 years. It offers Retail and Business customers Life and Non-Life insurance products designed to suit their specific needs, today and tomorrow, and is also engaged in reinsurance activities. As one of Europe's larger insurance companies, Ageas concentrates its activities in Europe and Asia, which together make up the major part of the global insurance market. It operates successful insurance businesses in Belgium, the UK, Portugal, Türkiye, China, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, and the Philippines through a combination of wholly owned subsidiaries and long term partnerships with strong financial institutions and key distributors. Ageas ranks among the market leaders in the countries in which it operates. It represents a staff force of about 50.000 people and reported annual inflows of more than EUR 17 billion in 2023.


Pdf version of the press release


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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