Financial Calendar for Danish Aerospace Company A/S - 2024

Udgivet den 14-03-2024  |  kl. 10:54  |  


Odense, March 14th, 2024

Company Announcement no. 46 - 03-14-2024

Financial Calendar for Danish Aerospace Company A/S - 2024

The Company has updated its Financial Calendar due to delays in the preparation of the Annual Report for 2023.

Annual Report 2023                        March 25th, 2024General Assembly 2024                   April 18th, 2024Half Year Report 2024                     August 26th, 2024

The Company must be notified in writing of items for the Annual Meeting on April 18th, 2024, agenda, no later than Monday March 18th, 2024.

The Information is also available on the company website:

Note: This is a translation of the corresponding Company Announcement in Danish. In case of discrepancies between the Danish wording and the English translation, the Danish wording prevails.

For further information, please refer to:

Danish Aerospace Company A/S:

Chairman, Niels Heering
Mobile no.: +45 40 17 75 31

CEO, Thomas A.E. Andersen
Mobile no.: +45 40 29 41 62

Certified Adviser:

Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S
Poul Bundgaards Vej 1
DK-2500 Valby
Tlf.: +45 33 45 10 00

About Danish Aerospace Company A/S

Danish Aerospace Company (DAC) is a high-tech company operating in the area of advanced medical instrumentation and other engineering fields primarily within space applications.

Our products are based on many years of specialized research and development. These consist of developing, integrating, and applying new as well as established medical technologies to the challenges of functioning and remaining reliable in space. These products and services bring the potential of space research and experience from space operations down to Earth for the benefit of all mankind.

Danish Aerospace Company employs engineers and technicians who deliver full engineering, production and technical services for our customers. We have specialized in customer specific design, development, manufacturing, certification, maintenance, testing, and operations.

The company has developed five generations respiratory equipment for spaceflight, ergometers for astronauts, countermeasures, adapted several commercial medical equipment for spaceflight and has participated in the development of the minus eighty-degree Celsius freezers.

The Company's quality system is certified in obligation to BS EN ISO 9001:2015, BS EN 9100:2018 technical equivalent to AS9100D that is the acknowledged standard in the area.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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