Udgivet den 08-04-2024  |  kl. 19:25  |  

VIENNA, Austria - Today, BAWAG Group's shareholders approved the proposal from the Management Board as well as the Supervisory Board for a dividend of € 5.00 per share for the 2023 financial year. The dividend will be paid out on April 15, 2024, ex dividend day will be April 10, 2024.

Anas Abuzaakouk, CEO, presented at the Annual General Meeting: "Since our IPO in October 2017, we delivered a total shareholder return of 67%, EPS growth of 9% per year, and an average RoTCE of 16%. We have also extended € 47 billion of credit to our customers, supporting our customers while growing the franchise, self-funded 9 acquisitions, and distributed € 2.6 billion of capital in the form of dividends and share buybacks. The capital distributions were € 1.7 billion in dividends, equal to a total € 19.70 per share, and € 900 million of share buybacks, reducing our overall share capital by over 21%.

Today, I am more excited about our future growth opportunities than I have ever been. Our transformation over the past decade has positioned the franchise for long-term profitable growth and has allowed us to pursue several strategic growth opportunities, such as Knab bank. My colleagues and I could not be prouder of the BAWAG team! We look forward to delivering on behalf of all stakeholders in the many years to come."

The details of the Annual General Meeting are available on BAWAG Group's website.

BAWAG Group will report its Q1 2024 results on April 29, 2024.

About BAWAG Group

BAWAG Group AG is a publicly listed holding company headquartered in Vienna, Austria, serving 2.1 million retail, small business, corporate, real estate and public sector customers across Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Western Europe and the United States. The Group operates under various brands and across multiple channels offering comprehensive savings, payment, lending, leasing, investment, building society, factoring and insurance products and services. Our goal is to deliver simple, transparent, and affordable financial products and services that our customers need.

BAWAG Group's Investor Relations website contains further information, including financial and other information for investors.


Financial Community:
Jutta Wimmer (Head of Investor Relations)
Tel: +43 (0) 5 99 05-22474

IR Hotline: +43 (0) 5 99 05-34444

Manfred Rapolter (Head of Corporate Affairs)
Tel: +43 (0) 5 99 05-31210

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