Change in number of shares and votes in HMS Networks

Udgivet den 30-04-2024  |  kl. 11:00  |  

As previously announced, HMS Networks has carried out a directed share issue. The directed share issue has resulted in a change in the number of shares and votes in HMS Networks.

Prior to the directed share issue, the total number of shares in HMS Networks amounted to 46,818,868, corresponding to 46,818,868 votes. The number of shares and votes has as a result of the directed share issue increased by 3,500,000. As of April 30, 2024, the total number of shares in HMS Networks amounts to 50,318,868, corresponding to 50,318,868 votes.1

For more information, please contact:
Staffan Dahlström, CEO HMS, +46 (0)35 17 29 01
Joakim Nideborn, CFO HMS, +46 (0)35 710 69 83

This information is such that HMS Networks AB is obliged to make public pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 9 of the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, for publication at 1 pm CEST on April 30, 2024.

HMS Networks AB (publ) is a market-leading provider of solutions in Industrial Information and Communication Technology (Industrial ICT) and employs over 1 200 people. Local sales and support are handled through over 20 sales offices all over the world, as well as through a wide network of distributors and partners. HMS reported sales of SEK 3,025 million in 2023 and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX in Stockholm in the Large Cap segment and Telecommunications sector.

1 - As of April 30, 2024, HMS Networks' holding of own shares amounts to 143,416.



PRM - Change in number of shares and votes


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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