Introducing PBC BioVet: A New Frontier in Veterinary Healthcare

Udgivet den 13-05-2024  |  kl. 00:05  |  

SHANNON, Ireland, May 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PBC Biomed is proud to unveil its latest venture, PBC BioVet, a dedicated affiliate aimed at revolutionizing veterinary healthcare. With a steadfast commitment to enhancing animal patient wellbeing and accelerating healing, PBC BioVet is poised to make a significant impact in the veterinary sector.

The creation of PBC BioVet marks a pivotal moment in our company's journey. Leveraging decades of expertise in biomedical innovation, PBC Biomed is expanding its horizons to address the unique needs of our beloved animal companions. By establishing PBC BioVet, we are reaffirming our dedication to advancing healthcare across species boundaries.

At PBC Biomed, we recognize the profound bond between humans and animals, and we believe that every creature deserves access to high-quality healthcare, said Paul Burke, Managing Partner at PBC Biomed. With the launch of PBC BioVet, we are excited to introduce a specialized range of solutions and products tailored to support the efforts of our veterinarians.

PBC BioVet will offer a diverse portfolio of innovative products and therapies designed to address a wide spectrum of veterinary needs. From advanced medical devices to therapeutic solutions, our offerings are meticulously crafted to enhance patient outcomes and elevate the standard of care in veterinary practices worldwide.

Our mission at PBC BioVet is to empower veterinary professionals with the tools they need to deliver exceptional care and support to their animal patients. We are committed to driving positive change in the veterinary industry and fostering a healthier, happier world for animals.

As part of our global expansion strategy, PBC BioVet will collaborate with leading veterinarians, research institutions, and industry partners to drive innovation and shape the future of veterinary medicine. Together, we aim to create a thriving ecosystem where innovation flourishes and animals thrive.

For more information about PBC BioVet and our range of solutions, please visit and reach out to us at

About PBC Biomed:

PBC Biomed is a leading biomedical company dedicated to advancing healthcare through innovation. With a diverse portfolio of products and solutions spanning multiple medical disciplines, we are committed to improving patient outcomes and enhancing quality of life. For more information, visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at



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