Pharming Group reports on results of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Udgivet den 21-05-2024  |  kl. 15:30  |  

Leiden, the Netherlands, May 21, 2024: Pharming Group N.V. ("Pharming" or "the Company") (Euronext: PHARM/Nasdaq: PHAR) announces that at its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held today, all proposals were approved.
The shareholders approved the proposals to reappoint Ms. Barbara Yanni (agenda item 4.a) and Mr. Mark Pykett (agenda item 4.b), upon binding recommendation of the Board of Directors, as Non-Executive Directors for a period of four years.

In addition, the proposals for the adoption of the updated Remuneration Policy for members of the Board of Directors (agenda item 3), the authorization for the Board of Directors to issue shares and/or options (agenda item 5) and the authorization for the Board of Directors to repurchase shares (agenda item 6) were approved by the shareholders.

A recording of the webcast, presentation slides from today's AGM, and more details regarding agenda items are available on the Company's website in the Investor Relations section.

About Pharming Group N.V.

Pharming Group N.V. (EURONEXT Amsterdam: PHARM/Nasdaq: PHAR) is a global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to transforming the lives of patients with rare, debilitating, and life-threatening diseases. Pharming is commercializing and developing an innovative portfolio of protein replacement therapies and precision medicines, including small molecules and biologics that are in clinical development. Pharming is headquartered in Leiden, the Netherlands, and has employees around the globe who serve patients in over 30 markets in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.

For more information, visit and find us on LinkedIn.

Inside Information

This press release relates to the disclosure of information that qualifies, or may have qualified, as inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.

For further public information, contact:

Pharming Group, Leiden, The Netherlands
Michael Levitan, VP Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
T: +1 (908) 705 1696

FTI Consulting, London, UK
Victoria Foster Mitchell/Alex Shaw/Amy Byrne
T: +44 203 727 1000

LifeSpring Life Sciences Communication, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Leon Melens
T: +31 6 53 81 64 27



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