Landfolk selects Agillic to scale up personalisation in the international market for holiday homes

Udgivet den 04-06-2024  |  kl. 13:38  |  

Landfolk's mission is to help get people out of town, closer to nature and each other. Their handpicked holiday homes are all situated in scenic locations, many of which you would otherwise not be able to access, and Landfolk works relentlessly to deliver a personal experience and establish a community feel for hosts and guests alike.

Founded in 2021, Landfolk is on an impressive growth journey, already offering over 2,500 homes across Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden. In May 2024, Landfolk was recognised with the 'Best new e-commerce' award at the Danish Chamber of Commerce's annual e-commerce awards.

A great experience is a strong incentive for booking the next holiday home reservation. To deliver the most relevant, delightful customer experience in a marketplace covering multiple countries, thousands of properties, and where a customer can be both a host and a guest at the same time, Landfolk turned to Agillic to orchestrate the complex data models that combine content and data, enabling a 1:1 personalised experience as unique as the homes they offer.

Asger Køppen, COO at Landfolk, explains:
"We have been looking for a solution that supports our immediate needs as well as our long term growth strategy. We found that in Agillic and have successfully implemented it in less than a month. Now, we look forward to leveraging our new capabilities and taking our customer experience to the next level."

Emre Gürsoy, CEO at Agillic, adds:
"We are delighted to help accelerate Landfolk's goal to become Northern Europe's biggest and best community and platform for a new generation of holiday home owners and guests. Our experience and knowledge within the travel and hospitality sector will certainly fuel the speed and establishment of key technology support on continuous superior customer experience to create memorable moments and interest for the next reservation.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Landfolk on their recognition at the Danish Chamber of Commerce's 2024 e-commerce awards, joining many other Agillic clients dominating key categories for many years."

For further information, please contact
Emre Gürsoy, CEO, Agillic A/S
+45 3078 4200

About Agillic A/S
Agillic (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Copenhagen: AGILC) is a Danish software company offering brands a platform through which they can work with data-driven insights and content to create, automate and send personalised communication to millions. Agillic is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with teams in Germany, Norway, and Romania.

Agillic A/S - Masnedøgade 22 - 2100 Copenhagen - Denmark -


Landfolk-Agillic Press Release 2024


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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