Park Street A/S - total number of voting rights and capital resulting from the capital reduction

Udgivet den 18-06-2024  |  kl. 14:24  |  

With reference to company announcement of 26 April 2024 regarding the general meeting's approval of a share capital reduction, Park Street A/S hereby announces that completion of the share capital reduction has been registered with the Danish Business Authority with effect on 30 May 2024. The cancellation of the 2,955,585 treasury A-shares (the listed shares) was removed from Nasdaq on 3 June 2024, and the 12,164,865 treasury B-shares shortly prior to this.

The total nominal value of the share capital reduction is DKK 15,120,450 corresponding to 2,955,585 A-shares and 12,164,865 B-shares. Accordingly, Park Street A/S' share capital is then reduced from a nominal value of DKK 57,175,572 to DKK 42,055,122. Consequently, Park Street A/S no longer holds any class A treasury shares nor any class B treasury shares.

Prior to the share capital reduction, the treasury shares held by Park Street A/S corresponded to 26.45% of the company's total share capital. In accordance with section 31 of the Danish Capital Market Act, it is hereby announced that Park Street A/S, following registration of the share capital reduction, holds 0% of the total share capital.

Finally, in accordance with section 32 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Park Street hereby announces that its share capital then amounts to a nominal value of DKK 42,055,122, corresponding to 42,055,122 shares of nominally DKK 1 each and a total of 42,055,122 voting rights. The share capital is divided into 9,872,052 class A shares and 32,183,070 class B shares of nominally DKK 1 each.

For further information please contact Pradeep Pattem, CEO at

Company Website:

Telephone Number: +45 33 33 93 03


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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