Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune XRP ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Udgivet den 02-07-2024  |  kl. 07:32  |  

Stockholm, July 2, 2024 - Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager, is announcing the launch of Virtune XRP ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region. 

About Virtune XRP ETP
Virtune XRP ETP provides exposure to XRP. Like all of Virtune's exchange-traded products, Virtune XRP ETP is 100% physically backed and fully collateralized, is denominated in SEK for the Nordic audience and is available on Avanza and Nordnet.

Key Information about Virtune XRP ETP:

1:1 exposure to XRP 100% physically backed 1.49% annual management fee

Virtune XRP ETP

Full name: Virtune XRP ETP  Short name: Virtune XRP Ticker: VIRXRP Trading currency: SEK First day of trading: Tuesday 2nd of July 2024 ISIN: SE0021486156 Stock exchange: Nasdaq Stockholm

About XRP

XRP is a crypto asset designed for fast, efficient, and cost-effective cross-border payments. Unlike traditional banking systems, XRP transactions are completed within seconds, making it ideal for international transfers. With its robust and secure blockchain technology, XRP offers unparalleled transparency and reliability. Its low transaction fees are a significant advantage, especially for high-volume transfers. Additionally, XRP is backed by a strong community and is supported by Ripple, a leading company in the fintech industry.

Christopher Kock, CEO of Virtune:

"After an eventful 2024 so far for Virtune, during which we have achieved significant progress in terms of growth, product launches and other distribution-related topics, we are excited to announce the introduction of the first XRP ETP listed on Nasdaq. This innovative product is 100% physically backed with XRP being stored with our custodian Coinbase, and is accessible for both institutional and retail investors through several brokers and banks. This launch fulfills the growing demand among investors looking for a secure and accessible way to invest in XRP."

If you are an institutional investor interested in exploring the potential of our current and upcoming ETPs for your discretionary asset management or wish to learn more about Virtune and our product offering, please feel free to contact us. Visit for more information, and register your email address on our website to receive updates on upcoming ETP launches and other news related to crypto assets.

Press contact
Christopher Kock, CEO Virtune AB (Publ)
+46 70 073 45 64

Virtune with its headquarters in Stockholm is a regulated Swedish digital asset manager and issuer of crypto exchange traded products on regulated European exchanges. With regulatory compliance, strategic collaborations with industry leaders and our proficient team, we empower investors on a global level to access innovative and sophisticated investment products that are aligned with the evolving landscape of the global crypto market.

Crypto investments are associated with high risk. Virtune does not provide investment advice; investments are made at your own risk. Securities may increase or decrease in value, there is no guarantee of getting back invested capital. Read the prospectus, KID, terms at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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