SCOR Investment Partners unveils second vintage of High-Income Infrastructure Debt Strategy

Udgivet den 25-09-2024  |  kl. 10:04  |  
PRESS RELEASE September 25, 2024 N° 02- 2024

SCOR Investment Partners unveils second vintage of High-Income Infrastructure Debt Strategy

SCOR Investment Partners announces the launch of SCORLUX High Income Infrastructure Loans II, a sub-fund of SCORLUX SICAV-RAIF.

The fund marks the second vintage of SCOR Investment Partners' multi-investor high-income infrastructure debt strategy, following the successful deployment of its inaugural fund, SCORLUX High Income Infrastructure Loans.

The new fund offers flexible and innovative unitranche or junior/mezzanine secured debt solutions to infrastructure projects or companies. It provides investors with a diversified portfolio, offering attractive risk-adjusted returns for a sub-investment grade profile.

SCORLUX High Income Infrastructure Loans II will invest in strategically important infrastructure sectors for EU countries, including renewable energy, digital infrastructure and transportation networks. The fund will also support initiatives related to decarbonization, energy efficiency and green mobility.

In line with SCOR Investment Partners' sustainable investment philosophy, the fund's investments will focus on financing low-carbon activities and those with a positive environmental contribution, such as circular economy initiatives and pollution prevention. SCORLUX High Income Infrastructure Loans II is classified as Article 9 under the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and has been granted the LuxFLAG Environment Applicant label. 

A European Long-Term Investment Fund (ELTIF) and accessible to institutional investors, the fund has already secured an investment commitment of EUR 100 million from the SCOR Group, ensuring strong alignment of interest, and is targeting a total fund size of EUR 500 million.

Paola Basentini, Head of Infrastructure Debt at SCOR Investment Partners, commented: "Following the success of our first high-income infrastructure debt vintage, we are proud to offer investors access to a new, carefully selected, portfolio of diversified investments. These investments will provide attractive returns while contributing effectively to the energy transition".

Louis Bourrousse, CEO of SCOR Investment Partners, added: "We have been an active player in infrastructure debt since 2013. With our second-vintage high-income infrastructure debt fund, we offer access to a valuable niche market that would otherwise be difficult to reach. Our infrastructure team leverages its proven sourcing skills and strong track record to deploy this new fund."

With EUR 2.4 billion of investments completed across 80 infrastructure debt transactions since 2013, SCOR Investment Partners' infrastructure team has been a pioneer in offshore wind, fiber networks, and sustainable datacenters investing. The team focuses on building well-diversified portfolios through secured project structures based on stable, predictable, and generally inflation-protected cash flows.

- End -


SCOR Investment Partners


Anne-Laure Mugnier
+33 (0) 1 58 44 84 53
FGS Global


Xavier Mas
+33 (0)6 82 52 76 42


Carolyn Pike
+41 (0)79 905 14 29

About SCOR Investment Partners

Financing the sustainable development of societies, together.

SCOR Investment Partners is the asset management company of the SCOR Group. Created in 2008 and accredited by the Autorité des Marches financiers, the French financial market regulatory body, in May 2009 (no. GP09000006). SCOR Investment Partners has more than 80 employees and is structured around seven management desks: Fixed Income, Corporate Loans, Infrastructure Loans, Direct Real Estate, Real Estate Loans, Insurance-Linked Securities and Fund Selection. Since 2012, SCOR Investment Partners has given institutional investors access to some of the investment strategies developed for the SCOR Group. Assets managed for outside investors totaled EUR 7.6 billion as of June 30, 2024. As of that same date, SCOR Investment Partners had total assets under management of EUR 20.5 billion (including undrawn commitments).

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Before making any final investment decision, you must read all regulatory documents of the Fund, available free of charge upon request, from the Sales & Marketing team of SCOR Investment Partners SE.

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