Udgivet den 02-10-2024  |  kl. 12:29  |  

Company Announcement No. 1134

With reference to DSV's company announcement no. 1132 on 13 September 2024 DSV A/S ("DSV") has received confirmation that both conditions precedent for the seller Deutsche Bahn ("DB") have been satisfied. The transaction remains conditional on obtaining customary regulatory approvals.

DB has in accordance with the announced transaction arrangements confirmed that both the Supervisory Board of DB and the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr) have approved the sale of Schenker AG ("Schenker") to DSV.

The transaction remains conditional on obtaining customary regulatory approvals, and completion of the transaction is expected in Q2 2025.

Jens H. Lund, CEO of DSV, comments:
We are very pleased that Deutsche Bahn has confirmed that their two conditions for approving the sale of Schenker to DSV have been obtained. This means that we can continue our efforts to be ready for closing this transformational transaction according to the agreed plans. We thank Deutsche Bahn for professionally getting us to this stage, and we are enthusiastic about working towards creating a leading global player in the transport and logistic industry."

Contacts DSV:
Investor Relations
Stig Frederiksen, tel. +45 43 20 36 38, stig.frederiksen@dsv.com
Alexander Plenborg, tel. +45 43 20 33 73, alexander.plenborg@dsv.com

Jonatan Rying Larsen, tel. +45 25 41 77 37, press@dsv.com

Yours sincerely,




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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