Certara Completes Acquisition of Chemaxon

Udgivet den 02-10-2024  |  kl. 20:15  |  

The combined organization offers life sciences companies predictive biosimulation and scientific informatics capabilities, improving certainty in decision-making from discovery through commercialization.

RADNOR, Pa., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), a global leader in model-informed drug development, today announced it has completed the acquisition of Chemaxon.

Chemaxon develops leading scientific informatics software products used by the life sciences industry for in-silico research. Certara develops advanced modeling and biosimulation solutions used to predict the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of large and small molecules.

Combining Chemaxon's expertise with Certara's biosimulation capabilities provides life sciences companies with unique solutions to enhance productivity and increase their scientific innovation success rates," said William Feehery, Certara's CEO. "Together, we offer scientists more precise insights throughout drug discovery and development." 

Near-term priorities for the combined organization include incorporating precision chemistry structures, calculators, and predictors into the Certara D360 scientific informatics applications and Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator for improved prediction accuracy. Longer-term plans include leveraging Certara.AI's life sciences specialized GPT capabilities and bringing knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics more broadly into the drug discovery process and Chemaxon products including Design Hub and JChem Engines.

"Our teams are excited to have an even greater impact on drug discovery and development practices," said Richard Jones, Chemaxon CEO. "As pipelines shift to precision medicine therapies, accurate scientific predictions and biosimulation are more crucial to success than ever." 

In 2024, Chemaxon is expected to generate software revenue greater than $20 million. Certara will update its 2024 guidance to include the contribution from Chemaxon when the Company reports third-quarter earnings in November.

A "frequently asked questions" document regarding the transaction is available on the Company's investor relations website.

About Certara 

Certara accelerates medicines using biosimulation software, technology, and services to transform traditional drug discovery and development. Its clients include more than 2,400 biopharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies across 66 countries. Learn more at certara.com. 

About Chemaxon 

Chemaxon is a leading cheminformatics company that provides platforms, applications, and solutions to handle chemical entities in life sciences, biotechnology, agrochemicals, new materials, education, and other research industries. Its products and services help the capture and processing of chemical information that increases its value and results in more efficient decision-making for life sciences and other R&D environments. Learn more at chemaxon.com.  

Certara Contact: 
Sheila Rocchio 

Media Contact: 
Alyssa Horowitz 


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