Correction: Syensqo - Participation notification by BlackRock Inc.

Udgivet den 22-10-2024  |  kl. 08:42  |  

Participation notification by BlackRock Inc. 

Brussels, Belgium - October 10, 2024 - 8:30 CEST

In a release issued on October 10, 2024, please note the following chanages: the shareholder's denomination, the notification date and the reason for the notification were amended. The corrected release follows:

According to Belgian transparency legislation (Law of May 2, 2007), BlackRock Inc. (12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, UK) recently sent Syensqo the following transparency notifications indicating that it crossed the threshold of 3%. Here is the summary of the moves:

Date on which the threshold was crossed Voting rights after the transaction Equivalent financial instruments after the transaction Total
October 1, 2024 3.14% 0.65% 3.79%

The latest notification, dated and received on , contains the following information:

Reason for the notification:  Acquisition or disposal of the control of an undertaking that holds a participating interest in an issuerAs a result of the acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners there has been a change to BlackRock's group Structure. Upon the close of the transaction, BlackRock, Inc. was renamed BlackRock Finance, Inc. and a NewCo became the publicly listed company with the name BlackRock, Inc. Notified by: BlackRock Inc : A parent undertaking or a controlling personDate on which the threshold is crossed: October 1, 2024Threshold of direct voting rights crossed: 3% upwards Denominator: 105,876,417 Additional information: The disclosure obligation arose due to voting rights attached to shares for BlackRock Inc. going above 3%.Persons subject to the notification requirement: See file attached

Transparency notifications and the full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held is available on the Investor Relations Section of Syensqo's website.


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About Syensqo 

Syensqo is a science company developing groundbreaking solutions that enhance the way we live, work, travel and play. Inspired by the scientific councils which Ernest Solvay initiated in 1911, we bring great minds together to push the limits of science and innovation for the benefit of our customers, with a diverse, global team of more than 13,000 associates. 
Our solutions contribute to safer, cleaner, and more sustainable products found in homes, food and consumer goods, planes, cars, batteries, smart devices and health care applications. Our innovation power enables us to deliver on the ambition of a circular economy and explore breakthrough technologies that advance humanity.

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Syensqo SA_2024-10-01_Issuer_signed_GIP_Revised 20241010_BlackRock_Notification_EN


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