Chinese Anime IP Ignites Cultural and Tourism Consumption Vitality in Qianhai, Shenzhen

Udgivet den 16-10-2024  |  kl. 10:06  |  

SHENZHEN, China, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the recent Chinese National Day holiday, the giant Chinese anime IP Nailong transformed Qianhai, Shenzhen into an internet-famous spot. In just seven days of the holiday, over a thousand posts related to Qianhai and Nailong were shared on social media, increasing the topic views by more than 3 million.

Qianhai and Nailong is just one of the many highlights of Qianhai's vibrant business and cultural tourism. On July 30, following the first month of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link being opened to traffic, Qianhai saw a surge in visitors eager to explore this new internet-famous spot. Data shows that the Rainbow on the Sea Cruise Ship from Qianhai to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link attracted over 10,000 passengers in its first month, with four daily departures fully booked. As of the statistical date, its operating revenue saw a year-on-year growth of 69%, according to the Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone.

Qianhai boasts a 68-kilometer golden coastline and abundant transportation and tourism resources. On September 30, the pedestrian landscape bridge at the mouth of the Shuangjie River and the cycling path from the OH Bay to the Shuangjie River were both completed, marking the full connectivity of the Qianhai Bay Slow Traffic Public Space. This further enhances the cultural and tourism consumption potential of Qianhai.

Since the beginning of this year, Qianhai has been improving its services and facilities to further tap into its cultural consumption potential. At the beginning of the year, Qianhai Uniway, positioned as an urban central park mall, officially opened. In May, the Qianhai International Neighborhood, covering 65,000 square meters, was launched as Shenzhen's first high-standard international neighborhood. Recently, the Qianhai Chow Tai Fook Finance Tower has been put into service, attracting numerous merchants. K11 ECOAST, K11's first flagship project in the Chinese Mainland with a total area of nearly 230,000 square meters, is set to open at the end of 2024. Upon its opening, it will become one of the largest shopping centers in Shenzhen and a new commercial benchmark and landmark in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Additionally, Qianhai Huafa Ice and Snow World, scheduled to open in October 2025, will build the world's largest and China's top-tier indoor ski resort with the largest vertical drop and the longest single ski path. Furthermore, Penguin Island, Tencent's core hub for future operations, will be settled in Qianhai. By integrating smart transportation, smart logistics, and other business patterns, it will become a model future-oriented city where human and technology thrive together and an eco-island suitable for living and working.

As night falls, the cultural and tourism consumption in Qianhai remains vibrant. As the nighttime economy emerges as a significant indicator of a city's regional characteristics and consumer vitality, it has also become a highlight of Qianhai's cultural and tourism consumption. In 2022, the Shekou Coastal Cultural and Creative Street Block in Qianhai was named one of the Top Ten Nighttime Economy Landmarks in Shenzhen for the Year. Projects such as Shekou Net Valley, Nanhai Yiku, and the Sea World have all showcased Qianhai's unique nighttime culture and consumption power.

By creating diverse consumption scenarios and unleashing the vitality of cultural and tourism consumption, Qianhai has explored a replicable development model for cultural and tourism consumption based on its superior location advantages and rich cultural and tourism resources.

Source: The Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone


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