Jyske Realkredit's auctions for 1 January 2025 refinancing

Udgivet den 05-11-2024  |  kl. 12:56  |  

To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S                                5th of November 2024
                                        Announcement no. 92/2024

Jyske Realkredit's auctions for 1 January 2025 refinancing

Jyske Realkredit plans to carry out the auctions Monday 18th of November through Friday 22nd of November 2024 for loans in cover pool E.

The refinancing amount and bonds to be offered are specified in the table below:

  Open Close Alloc. Name ISIN Amount mill. LCR
Monday 18th of November 09:30 10:00 10:05 1% JRK 1/1-2026 SDO (IT) DK0009414179 3000 mio. 1B
Tuesday 19th of November 09:30 10:00 10:05 1% JRK 1/1-2026 SDO (IT) DK0009414179 3000 mio. 1B
  13:00 13:30 13.35 1% JRK 1/4-2027 SDO DK0009391534 2000 mio. 1B
Wednesday 20th of November 09:30 10:00 10:05 1% JRK 1/1-2026 SDO (IT) DK0009414179 3000 mio. 1B
  13:00 13:30 13.35 1% JRK 1/4-2029 SDO DK0009395956 4150 mio. 1B
Thursday 21st of November 09:30 10:00 10:05 1% JRK 1/1-2026 SDO (IT) DK0009414179 3000 mio. 1B
Friday 22nd of November 09:30 10:00 10:05 1% JRK 1/1-2026 SDO (IT) DK0009414179 3000 mio. 1B

Auction terms appear in the appendix.

Questions regarding the bond sale as well as technical matters may be addressed to Jyske Realkredit, Anders Lund Hansen, Executive Vice President, tel. (+45) 89 89 92 20 or Christian Bech-Ravn, Head of Investor Relations, tel. (+45) 89 89 92 25.

The information will also be available on Jyske Realkredit's web site at jyskerealkredit.com.

Yours sincerely
Jyske Realkredit

Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevail.

Appendix - Auctions terms

Refinancing principles adjustable rate mortgage loans
Jyske Realkredit offers fixed-rate non-callable bonds for adjusting interest rates on the loans.

When adjusting the interest rates, the bonds are sold at one or more auctions. The price is determined as a weighted average of the prices obtained at the auctions.

Type of auction
The auction of bonds in capital centres E will be conducted on Bloomberg's auction system.

Bids for the offered bonds must be made in terms of amount and price.

For bonds maturing within 14 months, bids must be made correct to three decimals. For other bonds, bids must be made with an accuracy of two decimals.

For all bonds bids must be made in multiples of DKK 1,000,000

Conditional offer for bonds with interest rate triggers
For the bonds offered with an interest rate trigger, it is a condition for the final completion of the sale (allotment) that there is no increase in interest rates of more than 5 percentage points. Reference is made to the Act on Mortgage Loans and Mortgage Bonds, etc.

All bids above the cut-off price will be settled in full at the cut-off fixing spread. For bids at the exact cut-off price, proportional allocation may be used. No bids below the cut-off price will be settled.

All trades concluded will be published through Nasdaq Copenhagen.

Allotment at the auction will take place as soon as possible, and not later than 5 minutes after closing.

Value date
All bonds will be subject to long settlement. The value date of all trades executed at the auction will be 2nd of January 2025.

Reverse facility
As the bonds traded will be subject to long settlement, Jyske Realkredit offers a reverse facility to auction participants whose bids have been accepted and who require the bonds after only two days.

By means of the reverse facility, Jyske Realkredit offers to sell the allotted bonds subject to the conventional two settlement days and subsequently repurchase them with 2nd of January 2025 as the value date.

The size of the reverse facility will be determined on an individual basis but cannot exceed the amount allotted to each individual bidder.

The reverse facility can be made conditional on the investor providing a corresponding amount of Jyske Realkredit covered bonds (SDO) or mortgage bonds (RO) maturing on 1st of January 2025.

Reverse facilities will be arranged on an individual basis by contacting Jyske Realkredit

Credit Ratings
All auctioned bonds issued through Capital Centre E are rated AAA by S&P.

Reservations regarding auctions
If, contrary to expectations, technical problems should prevent Jyske Realkredit from conducting an auction through Bloombergs auction system, a stock ex-change announcement will be issued containing the practical details of the auction.

Other terms
Jyske Realkredit is not obliged to sell the announced offering, and the offering may furthermore be subject to changes following loan disbursements in the auction period. In addition, the entire or parts of the offering may be postponed, but not later than the second-last business day of this quarter.

On or before the second-last business day of this quarter, it must be ascertained whether the number of purchasers was sufficient for all the covered bonds offered. If a sale of bonds has to be cancelled, the market will be notified immediately by a stock exchange announcement


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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