Big Wave Grand Prix: The New Era of Surfing in Nazaré

Udgivet den 07-11-2024  |  kl. 10:55  |  

An exclusive look at the big wave surfing event sponsored by REFIX

NAZARÉ, Portugal, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Big Wave Grand Prix (BWGP), sponsored by REFIX (Siete Cuarenta Natural S.L.), is an innovative live streaming platform dedicated to big wave surfing, launching in Nazaré for the 2024/2025 season. Unlike traditional one-day events, the BWGP will follow the daily achievements of the world's top big wave surfers throughout the entire season.

With the participation of 30 surfers from 13 countries, the BWGP offers a unique experience through blogs, behind-the-scenes content, YouTube shows, and interviews. Fans will get an up-close look at the daily action of the surfers and the photographers and videographers who capture it. These professionals are key to promoting big wave surfing, and the BWGP recognizes their importance.

The BWGP would like to express its gratitude to the photographers and videographers for their dedication, especially during the winter, when they work under extreme weather conditions. Additionally, a specialized team will ensure the surfers' safety on jet skis.

Katarina Patek Ghidirmic, co-founder of the BWGP, emphasizes: "The public needs to understand the great respect we owe to photographers and videographers. Without their work, we wouldn't be able to enjoy the amazing images we see on social media."

Among the featured collaborators are Mexican photographer María Fernanda, one of the few women in the world capturing big waves, and Yunes Khader, a filmmaker following big wave surfer Lucas Chumbo. Also featured are Kira Brüssau, who highlights women's stories in big wave surfing, and Todd Hansen, an American videographer dedicated to filming Nazaré's giant waves.

The 2024/2025 season promises to be special, filled with exclusive content and exciting behind-the-scenes footage.

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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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