PTV Logistics Releases the "Next Generation" of Truck Route Planning Software

Udgivet den 08-11-2024  |  kl. 15:00  |  

KARLSRUHE, Germany, Nov. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PTV Logistics, a global leader in logistics and transportation technology solutions, has just launched the next generation of one of their flagship logistics planning software, PTV Map&Guide. This cutting-edge product not only sets a new standard for accurate toll cost calculation, truck route planning and user experience, but also factors in environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements.

More than 30 years since PTV Logistics first created the standard in transport cost calculation with PTV Map&Guide for businesses, the next generation of this software has been released. This version of PTV Map&Guide comes with a completely new and streamlined user interface, making it easier to use. In addition, a whole range of updates, use cases and new features have been included to help users improve route planning, increase efficiency and provide insights on calculations such as: transport costs, emissions, toll and time & distances without compromising on the quality of their service.

Customers will benefit from:

New UX & UI, great user experience through brand new UI and seamless myPTV platform integration.Electric vehicle (EV) route simulation that enables benchmarking against other vehicle types.Improved toll cost prediction based on up-to-date information that factors in all emission classes, including EV, LNG, CNG, and hybrid vehicles.Better planning for environmental regulations with electronic toll collection (ETC) systems and European emissions stickers that can be assigned per vehicle to comply with regional low emission zone (LEZ) regulations. This helps design more cost-effective routes and flexible routes.High-performance routing, with improvements to standard static and custom dynamic routing, providing faster calculation times and more accurate results, even for complex and long-distance routes.World map coverage that can be used to plan and optimize routes anywhere on the globe.Enhanced planning that factors in seasonal and regional traffic patterns and anticipates future traffic incidents, enabling proactive route adjustments.Supported decision making through full route comparisons that consider cost, distance, time, emissions and regional regulations.Standardized measures in mileage to simplify expense reporting and in emissions reporting (according to the latest ISO, GLEC and HBEFA standards) to ensure compliance.

PTV Map&Guide helps companies across transport & logistics, wholesale, manufacturing and retail sectors improve route calculation, planning and sequencing of their vehicle fleet. The technology has been developed with transport managers, transport planners, customer support service and sales departments in mind.

Kruse Spedition GmbH & Co. KG
"At Kruse Spedition GmbH & Co. KG focuses on quality, reliability and the trust of our customers. We ensure smooth processing with over 250 highly motivated team players and our modern fleet of vehicles. We use PTV Map&Guide to calculate our tenders precisely. The software enables us to calculate transportation costs taking into account all relevant factors such as time, distance and tolls. This not only increases the efficiency of our tendering processes, but also ensures transparency in pricing.

"With PTV Map&Guide, we can provide our customers with reliable and competitive offers that meet our high-quality standards" - Jannes Kruse, Head of Human Resources, Authorized Representative Kruse Spedition GmbH & Co. KG

This evolution of PTV Map&Guide marks a significant leap into the future of sustainability within truck route planning to support ESG compliance and the European kilometer standard for the logistics sector with accurate toll, transportation cost & emissions calculation. PTV Logistics will continue to develop the product and ensure that it evolves with the needs of the market and its customers. As a result, further improvements are to be expected in future.

"Our team is thrilled to unveil the latest iteration of PTV Map&Guide, setting a new standard for truck route planning for all types of road vehicles. This version represents a culmination of innovative technology and user-centric design, and we remain dedicated to refining and expanding our solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers and the logistics industry," said Holger Indervoort, Product Manager & Designer at PTV Logistics.

While the latest version of this technology is being fully rolled out, the current version of PTV Map&Guide Internet will continue to work to enable a smooth transition for its users. To learn more about the next generation of PTV Map&Guide and to explore the future of truck route planning, visit our website or sign up for a free trial and experience the power of precision.

ABOUT PTV Logistics
PTV Logistics is a global software company with 40+ years of experience in transport logistics. We offer solutions, covering everything from planning to execution. Our expertise lies in planning, calculating, and optimizing routes to save time and costs. With record-breaking route planning and tour optimization algorithms, we empower logistics companies to automate their operations. With our Cloud platform for real-time transport tracking and management, we offer comprehensive visibility and control of the delivery process. For more information, visit:


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