Corza Medical named #14 on Top 100 Healthcare Technology Companies of 2024

Udgivet den 03-12-2024  |  kl. 15:58  |  

WESTWOOD, Mass., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Corza Medical ("Corza" or the "Company"), a leading global medical technology company committed to remarkable service, trusted performance and outstanding value, was recently recognized by The Healthcare Technology Report's list of the Top 100 Healthcare Technology Companies of 2024. An overall ranking of #14--and #6 in Medical Devices--reflects Corza's leadership in advancing patient care, driven by the Company's commitment to innovation, surgeon collaboration, and service excellence.

"We are incredibly honored to be recognized alongside the leading, global healthcare companies," said Gregory T. Lucier, Executive Chairman of Corza Medical. "The recognition reflects our team's relentless pursuit of providing the surgical community with remarkable service and exceptional products. As we look ahead to 2025, Corza will accelerate its impact as we expand our industry-leading solutions to new markets around the globe, and in turn impact more patient lives."

This year's awardees were selected following a methodical review of nomination submissions, as well as in-depth research into each candidate's products, solutions, corporate track record, management team, and organizational depth.

To view the complete list of the Top 100 Healthcare Technology Companies of 2024, visit The Healthcare Technology Report.

About Corza Medical 
Corza Medical is a leading global medical technology company that specializes in innovative surgical solutions and technologies. With a global team of approximately 3,000 employees supporting clinicians, distributor partners and medical device companies worldwide, Corza provides healthcare professionals with a platform of surgical technologies featuring many industry-leading brands, including Quill® barbed sutures, Sharpoint® Plus and Look™ surgical sutures, Katena® reusable and Blink™ single-use ophthalmic instruments, Barron corneal transplant devices, Sharpoint® microsurgical knives and the TachoSil® fibrin sealant patch. For more information, please visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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