Atlantica Announces the Acquisition of a Development Platform in the U.S.

Udgivet den 19-12-2024  |  kl. 12:56  |  

Atlantica Announces the Acquisition of a Development Platform in the U.S.

December 19, 2024 - Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc (NASDAQ: AY) ("Atlantica" or the "Company"), announced today that it has completed the acquisition of a development platform in the United States. The platform includes approximately 1.1 GW of solar and wind projects under development located in the MISO and SPP regions, including projects in Illinois, Colorado, Mississippi and Texas.

The new platform complements Atlantica's own development portfolio which prior to this acquisition included projects located mostly in the CAISO and MISO regions. The new portfolio reinforces Atlantica's growing presence in the MISO region, where Atlantica has been developing storage and solar projects during the last few years. With this addition, Atlantica's development portfolio in the United States consists of approximately 2 GW of solar and wind projects and 8.5 GWh of storage.

The new platform includes an experienced small development team that complements Atlantica's existing team in the United States and positions the Company to continue capturing growth opportunities.

Atlantica has a team of over 300 people in the US who manage and operate a fleet of solar, wind, geothermal and storage assets and who are developing new renewable energy projects.

About Atlantica

Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc is a sustainable infrastructure company that owns a diversified portfolio of contracted renewable energy, storage, efficient natural gas, electric transmission and water assets in North & South America, and certain markets in EMEA (


Chief Financial Officer
Francisco Martinez-Davis
Investor Relations & Communication
Leire Perez
T +44 20 3499 0465


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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