Aalberts N.V.: Aalberts strengthens heat treatment footprint in North America

Udgivet den 27-12-2024  |  kl. 06:30  |  

Utrecht, 27 December 2024

Aalberts N.V. has reached an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of Paulo Products Company (Paulo), operating five facilities in the USA and one in Mexico, generating an annual revenue of approximately USD 105 million with 522 employees.

Paulo is a provider of industrial heat treatment and related services that are critical to achieving strength, hardness, and other metallurgical properties required in various industrial applications. It is the largest privately owned thermal processing platform in North America providing solutions including heat treatment, brazing and metal finishing. Paulo serves attractive end markets like automotive, aerospace, defence and power generation.
In line with our 'thrive 2030' strategy, this acquisition will strengthen our geographical footprint in the USA. By combining Paulo's heat treatment, brazing and metal finishing expertise with our existing technology solutions, we are creating an even stronger business with enhanced benefits for our customers.

The experienced management of Paulo will work closely with the management of Aalberts Surface Technologies in North America.

The transaction, which is conditional on regulatory approvals, is expected to be finalised in the second quarter of 2025. The results of Paulo will be consolidated immediately thereafter. The acquisition will directly contribute to the earnings per share and will be financed from existing credit facilities

CEO statement
Stéphane Simonetta comments: "We are excited about the growth potential in the different end markets and are looking forward to welcoming Paulo's employees to Aalberts. This strategic acquisition will further enhance our proximity in North America and Mexico as per our 'thrive 2030' strategy. Together, our leadership position will enable us to serve our customers with short lead times, high quality and full-service capabilities."

+31 (0)30 3079 302 (from 8:00 am CET)

regulated information
This press release contains information that qualifies or may qualify as inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.


press release


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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