CNH brands win two Good Design Awards

Udgivet den 16-01-2025  |  kl. 14:00  |  

CNH brands win two Good Design Awards

Basildon, January 16, 2025

Product designs from CNH's global construction brands CASE Construction Equipment and New Holland Construction have been honored with two Good Design Awards. The awards, founded 75 years ago, have become a global benchmark for design excellence and are determined by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd.

"These Good Design awards are recognition of our Design team's role in producing the CASE 580EV Backhoe Loader and New Holland Construction W40X Electric Power. Their styling matches the innovation within the machines," said David Wilkie, Head of Industrial Design at CNH.

Our Winners

CASE was recognized for the 580EV Electric Backhoe Loader - the industry's first production-ready, purpose-built electric backhoe loader. This recognition emphasizes CASE's commitment to innovation and sustainability, offering a sustainable alternative in the construction industry. The 580EV features a sleek design with electric blue decaling, ergonomic controls, and an operator-focused cab equipped with an 8-inch touch screen that ensures ease of use and efficiency on the job site. CASE sets a new standard for safe and efficient construction equipment with its advanced safety features such as adjustable strobe lights.

The New Holland Construction W40X Electric Power - the brand's new compact wheel loader - was recognized for its innovative styling that complements its engineering prowess. The seamless integration of aesthetics and functionality sets a new benchmark in the design of construction equipment. The W40X special edition created by CNH's Industrial design team features a 'Clean Blue' design with the iconic New Holland leaf symbol, showcasing advanced alternative propulsion technology. New Holland's innovative design continues to push the boundaries, marrying enhanced performance with visual appeal.

CNH Industrial (NYSE: CNH) is a world-class equipment, technology and services company. Driven by its purpose of Breaking New Ground, which centers on Innovation, Sustainability and Productivity, the Company provides the strategic direction, R&D capabilities, and investments that enable the success of its global and regional Brands. Globally, Case IH and New Holland supply 360° agriculture applications from machines to implements and the digital technologies that enhance them; and CASE and New Holland Construction Equipment deliver a full lineup of construction products that make the industry more productive. The Company's regionally focused Brands include: STEYR, for agricultural tractors; Raven, a leader in digital agriculture, precision technology and the development of autonomous systems; Hemisphere, a leading designer and manufacturer of high-precision satellite-based positioning, and heading technologies; Flexi-Coil, specializing in tillage and seeding systems; Miller, manufacturing application equipment; and Eurocomach, producing a wide range of mini and midi excavators for the construction sector, including electric solutions. 

Across a history spanning over two centuries, CNH has always been a pioneer in its sectors and continues to passionately innovate and drive customer efficiency and success. As a truly global company, CNH's 40,000+ employees form part of a diverse and inclusive workplace, focused on empowering customers to grow, and build, a better world.  

For more information and the latest financial and sustainability reports visit: 

For news from CNH and its Brands visit: 

Media contacts:

Rebecca Fabian         Alex Ellis
North America United Kingdom
Tel. +1 312 515 2249 Tel. +44 (0)758 106 1696


New Holland Construction W40X Electric Power New Holland Construction W40X Electric Power New Holland Construction W40X Electric Power CASE 580EV Electric Backhoe Loader CASE 580EV Electric Backhoe Loader CASE 580EV Electric Backhoe Loader Good Design Award Winners 2025016_PR_CNH_Good Design Awards


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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