Good results for 2024 and expectations of continued high level of business activity in 2025

Udgivet den 29-01-2025  |  kl. 14:50  |  

Based on the preliminary and unaudited financial figures from the Group's businesses, Schouw & Co. currently estimates its consolidated revenue for 2024 at approximately DKK 34.7 billion, as compared with the most recent guidance of DKK 34.1-35.7 billion, while consolidated EBITDA is estimated at about DKK 2,930 million as compared with the guided range of DKK 2,810-2,980 million.

The Group's largest company, BioMar, and the companies HydraSpecma and Fibertex Personal Care have all reported an EBITDA at the top of - or above - the most recently announced guidance ranges, while the remaining companies of the Group have reported a result around the lower end of the expected EBITDA ranges.

Despite the significant market uncertainties, Schouw & Co. expects to maintain an overall high level of business activity in 2025, where all Group companies, apart from Fibertex Personal Care, expect to maintain or increase level of business activity. In terms of results, all Group companies, apart from Fibertex Personal Care, expect to achieve an EBITDA on par with or better than 2024.

As a result, Schouw & Co. expects to generate consolidated revenue of approximately DKK 33.4-35.9 billion in 2025 and EBITDA in the range of DKK 2,820-3,120 million. As always, however, changes in prices of raw materials and foreign exchange rates may impact the consolidated revenue without necessarily having a notable effect on earnings.

Schouw & Co.'s 2024 Annual Report is scheduled for release on Thursday, 6 March 2025.

Aktieselskabet Schouw & Co.

Jørgen Dencker Wisborg, Chairman
Jens Bjerg Sørensen, President, telephone number +45 86 11 22 22


2025-01-29 FBM25-05 ENG


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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