Udgivet den 03-03-2025  |  kl. 06:00  |  


Sika has acquired Cromar Building Products, a well-established supplier of roofing systems in the UK, mainly serving its customers through the distribution channel. The acquisition opens up significant cross-selling potential and will support Sika's further expansion in the UK roofing sector.

Cromar has established itself as one of the leading providers of flat and pitched roofing products serving the UK with well-known brands. The company has a strong reputation for its innovative product offerings, technical expertise, and exceptional customer service within the roofing sector. The products and solutions, which range from membranes and liquid applied products to sealants and adhesives, are used both for residential and large-scale applications. Cromar operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility which complements Sika's production footprint.

Sika has extensive experience in the roofing sector with a main focus on the project specification business. The acquisition of Cromar will strengthen Sika's presence and enhance its product portfolio in the roofing distribution channel. Over the past ten years, Sika UK has significantly grown its distribution business and established a recognized presence in non-roofing categories with builders' merchants. The complementarity of the two companies' product offering for the distribution channel will lead to exciting cross-selling opportunities.

Christoph Ganz, Regional Manager EMEA: "Cromar perfectly complements our roofing business in the UK. With its established customer relationships and route to market in distribution, the acquisition provides a strong platform for further growth. We look forward to a successful joint future and would like to extend a very warm welcome to the Cromar employees as they join the Sika team."

Sika is a specialty chemicals company with a globally leading position in the development and production of systems and products for bonding, sealing, damping, reinforcing, and protection in the building sector and industrial manufacturing. Sika has subsidiaries in 102 countries around the world and, in over 400 factories, produces innovative technologies for customers worldwide. In doing so, it plays a crucial role in enabling the transformation of the construction and transportation sector toward greater environmental compatibility. With more than 34,000 employees, the company generated sales of CHF 11.76 billion in 2024.

Dominik Slappnig
Corporate Communications &
Investor Relations
+41 58 436 68 21

The media release can be downloaded from the following link:
Media Release


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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