Boston Metal Commissions Industrial-Scale Cell in Crucial Green Steel Milestone

Udgivet den 12-03-2025  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Molten Oxide Electrolysis technology breakthrough proves scalability for efficient steel decarbonization

BOSTON, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boston Metal, a leader in steel decarbonization technology, successfully commissioned its multi-inert anode Molten Oxide Electrolysis (MOE) industrial cell for green steel production. De-risking Boston Metal's MOE platform technology, this crucial milestone validates the performance of the inert anode--the essential element of MOE that allows scalable production of pure liquid iron without emitting any CO2--to efficiently produce green steel at commercial scale.

Now operational at the company's facility in Woburn, Massachusetts, the multi-inert anode industrial cell provides the validation of the scalability of MOE Steel to achieve commercial production. The company will deploy its first demonstration plant in 2026.

Boston Metal is redefining steelmaking with a direct and cost-competitive modular technology that yields zero-emission steel. MOE Steel provides a one-step process to convert all iron ore grades to high-quality liquid metal--an advantage that protects against the scarcity and price volatility of premium ores. Eliminating the many industrial processes associated with steelmaking at traditional steel mills, MOE does not require coke production, iron ore sintering and pelletizing, blast furnace reduction or basic oxygen furnace refinement.

The company will license its highly customizable steel manufacturing solution--that can scale from thousands to millions of tons of output--to a global customer base of steel manufacturers to in turn produce profitable green steel while increasing economic opportunities across the steel value chain.

"We are the only company with a direct and scalable approach to more efficient and clean steelmaking, and I can now say that tonnage steel is flowing from our multi-inert anode MOE cell," said Tadeu Carneiro, CEO of Boston Metal. "With this milestone, we are taking a major step forward in making green steel a reality and we're doing it right here in the U.S., demonstrating the critical innovation that can enhance domestic manufacturing."

This milestone further showcases the transformative breadth and depth of Boston Metal's MOE platform technology. Last March, Boston Metal announced the inauguration of Boston Metal do Brasil, where MOE is recovering critical metals from mining waste, generating profits from a liability. Boston Metal is rapidly expanding its operations in Brazil, and the early revenue streams from its critical metals business will propel its MOE Steel technology forward. In addition, Boston Metal is mobilizing plans to establish its chromium metal facility--a project that is crucial to onshoring advanced manufacturing of this high-priority metal to U.S. soil and securing the supply chain for MOE Steel.

To learn more about MOE and Boston Metal's work to unlock critical metals and revolutionize steel production, visit:

About Boston Metal
Boston Metal is commercializing Molten Oxide Electrolysis (MOE), a tonnage metals platform technology powered by electricity, to unlock critical metals and revolutionize steel production. MOE provides the metals industry with a scalable, cost-competitive and green solution for the production of steel and other critical metals from a variety of feedstocks and iron ore grades. Backed by visionary investors and led by a world-class team, Boston Metal is headquartered in Woburn, Massachusetts and has a wholly owned subsidiary in Brazil. Learn more about Boston Metal's MOE platform technology at

V2 Communications for Boston Metal

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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