Scatec starts commercial operation of solar power plant in Botswana

Udgivet den 12-03-2025  |  kl. 14:35  |  

Oslo/Cape Town, 12 March 2025: Scatec ASA, a leading renewable energy provider, has started commercial operation of the first 60 MW of the 120 MW Mmadinare Solar Cluster in Botswana.

The power plant is Scatec's first in Botswana and will generate predictable revenues from a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Botswana Power Corporation, the national utility. The remaining 60 MW of the project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in the beginning of 2026. Scatec owns 100% of the project and is aiming to reduce its long-term economic interest by inviting additional equity partners.

"We are very proud to achieve COD for the first phase of the solar power plant within budget, reinforcing our commitment to advancing renewable energy in the region," says Terje Pilskog, CEO Scatec.

"Moving from development to construction and now to commercial operation has been highly rewarding. We are now ramping up construction of the second phase and look forward to its completion in the beginning of next year," says Alberto Gambacorta, Scatec's EVP of Sub-Saharan Africa.

For further information, please contact:
For analysts and investors:
Andreas Austrell, VP IR
+47 974 38 686

For media:
Meera Bhatia, SVP External Affairs & Communications
+47 468 44 959

About Scatec 
Scatec is a leading renewable energy solutions provider, accelerating access to reliable and affordable clean energy emerging markets. As a long-term player, we develop, build, own, and operate renewable energy plants, with 4.8 GW in operation and under construction across five continents today. We are committed to growing our renewable energy capacity, delivered by our passionate employees and partners who are driven by a common vision of 'Improving our Future'. Scatec is headquartered in Oslo, Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol 'SCATC'. To learn more, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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