Tryg A/S - weekly report on share buy backs

Udgivet den 16-07-2015  |  kl. 10:09  |  

In the period from 10 to 15 July 2015, Tryg purchased own shares for an amount of DKK 12m as part of the share buy back programme of DKK 1,000m initiated on 2 January 2015. The programme will run until 30 December 2015.

Since the share buy back programme was initiated, the total number of repurchased shares is 3,748,762 at a total amount of DKK 575m corresponding to 57.5% of the programme.

The following transactions have been made within the last week: 

  Number of shares Average
purchase price
value (DKK)
10 July 2015  27,500 141.91   3,902,404
13 July 2015  10,000 142.05   1,420,454
14 July 2015  22,500 141.39   3,181,320
15 July 2015  25,000 141.92   3,548,050
Accumulated  85,000 141.79  12,052,228

The share buy back programme is arranged in compliance with the EU Commission Regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, the so-called Safe Harbour Regulative for share buy back.

With the transactions stated above, Tryg owns a total of 12,920,337 shares, corresponding to 4.3% of the total number of shares of 298,477,580. Adjusted for own shares, the number of shares is 285,557,243.

Additional information
For further information visit or contact Investor Relations;

Vedhæftede filer:

Week 29 2015_Tryg weekly report on share buy backs.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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