Copenhagen, 2015-08-20 07:58 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcement no. 64
DFDS’ Board of Directors proposes to split each share of a nominal value of DKK 100 into five shares with a nominal value each of DKK 20.
In recent years, the price of a DFDS share has increased to more than DKK 900 per share. The aim of the proposed stock split is to enhance the liquidity of the share by making trading in the share easier and more accessible, particularly for retail inves-tors.
The proposed stock split will also align the share price with international and Danish share price levels.
The current share capital of DKK 1,265,000,000 is divided on 12,650,000 shares. Following the proposed stock split, the share capital would be unchanged but divided on 63,250,000 shares.
According to the proposed stock split, the price of a DFDS share would have been DKK 189 on 19 August 2015 compared to the actual closing price of DKK 944.
The full stock split proposal of the Board of Directors is available from the Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting announced today.
Preliminary timetable of stock split (assuming approval of the proposal)
Notice of extraordinary general meeting | 20 Aug |
Extraordinary general meeting | 17 Sep |
Registration of stock split in Danish Business Authority | 18 Sep |
New ISIN code to be registered in VP | 18 Sep |
Last day of trading in existing ISIN code | 23 Sep |
First day of trading in new ISIN code | 24 Sep |
Last day of settlement in existing ISIN code | 25 Sep |
New ISIN code visible in investors depot | 28 Sep |
First settlement day in new ISIN (trades day 1) | 28 Sep |
Niels Smedegaard, CEO
+45 33 42 34 00
Torben Carlsen, CFO
+45 33 42 32 01
Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR
+45 33 42 33 59
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UK_OMX_NO_64_20_08_2015_Stock split.pdf