Deputy CEO and CFO Jørn P. Jensen leaves the Carlsberg Group

Udgivet den 16-09-2015  |  kl. 09:00  |  

The Carlsberg Group today announces that Jørn P. Jensen, Deputy CEO and CFO will leave the company by end of September 2015.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Flemming Besenbacher says: “With a new CEO well on board it has been agreed between the Supervisory Board and Jørn P. Jensen that now is the right time for a change for all parties. I would like to thank Jørn P. Jensen for his very significant contributions to the transformation of Carlsberg from a small regional brewery to its current international position during his 15 years with the company, and I wish him every success in the future.”

Deputy CEO and CFO Jørn P. Jensen says: “Carlsberg is a fantastic company with a great heritage and a prosperous future. However, now is the right time for change for the company and for me. I will always remember the great teams and employees in the Group, the many great partners and stakeholders, and I will continue to follow Carlsberg with interest.”

A search for a successor will be initiated. Jørn P. Jensen has agreed to be available for the next months to finish a number of projects and to hand over to a new Group CFO.


Investor Relations:   
Peter Kondrup    (45) 3327 1221
Iben Steiness    (45) 3327 1232

Media Relations:     
Jim Daniell       (45) 3327 2874
For more news sign up on or follow @CarlsbergGroup on Twitter.


Vedhæftede filer:

12_UK_160915_CFO change.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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