Tryg Forsikring A/S completes new bond issue in the NOK market

Udgivet den 04-11-2015  |  kl. 18:02  |  

In accordance with the mandate announced in company announcement no. 17 of 4 November 2015, Tryg Forsikring A/S has entered into an agreement to issue Solvency II compliant Tier 2 capital in the form of a bond issue in the amount of NOK 1.4bn (DKK 1.1bn).

The bond issue has a maturity of 30 years and the issue price is 100%. The interest rate will be set to 3 months NIBOR + a margin of 2.75% during the first 10 years and interest payments will be made quarterly. The margin for the interest rate payable after 10 years will be set to 3.75%. At that time, Tryg Forsikring A/S has the option to redeem the bond issue at par. The bond issue is expected to be listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange in Q1 2016.

The bond issue will be used for the refinancing of an existing subordinated loan and forms part of ongoing adjustments of Tryg's capital structure.

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