Finalists revealed in Carlsberg’s Cheers to Green Ideas Award

Udgivet den 26-11-2015  |  kl. 09:08  |  

During the three-week submission period for the “Cheers to Green Ideas” competition from 28 September to 16 October 2015, 162 ideas were contributed by organisations, companies and members of the public from around the world about how to make Carlsberg beer more sustainable. The competition is a partnership between Copenhagen-based think tank Sustainia and the Carlsberg Group.

Ideas were submitted by entrepreneurs and consumers from 33 countries, showing that inspiring sustainability innovation transcends cultures and borders. The six finalists were selected from the 162 ideas through a rigorous process whereby a Carlsberg jury consisting of representatives from research & development, marketing, sustainability, innovation and supply chain discussed and evaluated the ideas extensively.

The ideas include the innovative use of our packaging materials, using our by-products in a new way and even an idea for using algae to produce biomass at our breweries.

All the finalists can be found at

“I’m very excited about the many ideas we received and look forward to exploring how we can use them in our quest to make our beer more sustainable, together with the winners. The global reach and interest in the competition shows that by engaging with our stakeholders in new ways, we can get creative sustainable ideas into the business,” says Charlotta Lyon, Vice President for Sustainability at the Carlsberg Group, who will be presenting the awards at the Sustainia ceremony.

Two awards will be presented on 6 December:

The Cheers to Green Ideas Award: Aimed primarily at established companies or entrepreneurs with a viable sustainability concept. The winner receives USD 20,000 and the chance to collaborate with Carlsberg experts and partners in the Carlsberg Circular Community. The three finalists are:  

  1. Using microalgae to produce biomass, by Guillermo Luque Consuegra and Michael Malott, United Kingdom. Read more.
  2. Using brewers' spent grain as a wood substitute, by Ana Lima, Portugal. Read more.
  3. Edible beer packaging, Ooho! packaging by Skipping Rocks Lab (tipped solution by John Boerrigter). Read more.

The JC Jacobsen Special Award: Aimed primarily at consumers (fun, engaging, behavioural change-based ideas). The winner receives USD 10,000 and the chance to collaborate with Carlsberg experts and partners in the Carlsberg Circular Community. The three finalists are:  

  1. Turning cardboard trays into rubbish bins, by Frederik Sperling Nygaard, Denmark. Read more.
  2. Plastic bag made from bioplastic for holding six-packs together, by Marika Englén, Denmark. Read more.
  3. Green packaging ideas, by Søren Højland Boesen, Denmark. Read more.




About sustainability at the Carlsberg Group

A central element of the Carlsberg Group's sustainability strategy is the integration of sustainability throughout the value chain. Embedding sustainability in existing business processes, developing policies to ensure standards, driving collaboration through partnerships and setting global and local targets to improve sustainability performance form the cornerstone of this strategic process. Read more about sustainability at Carlsberg:

About Sustainia

Sustainia is an international think tank and consultancy headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. Sustainia identifies readily available sustainability solutions across the world and communicates about their potential impacts and benefits for our cities, companies and communities. Sustainia creates a realistic vision of what a sustainable future could look like – not a utopia or a distant dream. With help from a growing online community and a database of more than 3,200 sustainable solutions, Sustainia shows the exciting sustainable societies we could live in. Welcome to Sustainia.

About Carlsberg Circular Community

The Carlsberg Circular Community was launched in 2014 and is a cooperation between the Carlsberg Group and selected partners whose aim is to pursue a circular, zero-waste economy by using the Cradle-to-Cradle® (C2C®) framework when developing and marketing new products. The CCC currently comprises seven partners and aims to engage 17 partners by 2017. More on Carlsberg Circular Community.


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Kasper Elbjørn +45 4179 1216

Investor Relations:                
Peter Kondrup +45 3327 1221            
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For more news, sign up at or follow @CarlsbergGroup on Twitter.


The Carlsberg Group is one of the leading brewery groups in the world, with a large portfolio of beer and other beverage brands. Our flagship brand – Carlsberg – is one of the best-known beer brands in the world and the Baltika, Carlsberg and Tuborg brands are among the eight biggest brands in Europe. More than 45,000 people work for the Carlsberg Group, and our products are sold in more than 150 markets. In 2014, the Carlsberg Group sold 123 million hectolitres of beer, which is about 37 billion bottles of beer.

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