Nykredit Association approves plans to list Nykredit on the stock exchange

Udgivet den 10-02-2016  |  kl. 19:50  |  

At an extraordinary Committee of Representatives meeting held on 10 February 2016, Foreningen Nykredit (Nykredit Association) passed a resolution to apply for the admission to trading and official listing of Nykredit Holding A/S's (Nykredit) shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen.

The Committee of Representatives thus followed the recommendation of the Boards of Directors of the Nykredit Association and Nykredit as well as Nykredit's Group Executive Board to list Nykredit on the stock exchange. For more details on the background for this recommendation, please refer to Stock Exchange Announcement dated 4 February 2016. 

In accordance with the decision of the Committee of Representatives, Nykredit will continue its preparations for a stock exchange listing of Nykredit. 

Nykredit is expected to be ready for a stock exchange listing within a period of 12-24 months, but the final timing depends on market conditions and whether sufficient clarity is achieved about the coming international capital requirements. 

Group Chief Executive Michael Rasmussen says:

– We are grateful to the Committee of Representatives for their support. Following this decision, we can now fully start preparations for a stock exchange listing of Nykredit. The stock exchange listing will create a unique mutually-controlled listed business for the benefit of customers and Denmark at large.


For more information, please contact Nykredit Press Relations at +45 30 44 00 54.

Vedhæftede filer:

Nykredit Association approves plans to list Nykredit on the stock exchange - 10 02 2016.pdf

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