FLSmidth order with TRIBOMAX® - the latest innovation within wear solutions

Udgivet den 26-02-2016  |  kl. 08:39  |  

PRESS RELEASE - For their Tehachapi plant located in California, USA, Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, has ordered an upgrade of their cement mill with a hydraulic roller press pre-grinder with FLSmidth's latest innovation; the TRIBOMAX® wear surface protection.

The upgrade is expected to increase the current cement grinding capacity at the Tehachapi plant by 23% by installing and using the hydraulic roller press for pre-grinding. The TRIBOMAX® wear solution will furthermore significantly decrease operational cost.

TRIBOMAX® wear solution is the latest wear part innovation from FLSmidth. The product excels by combining a unique material and an innovative use of a welding technology (Plasma Transfer ARC). This unique combination has been developed by FLSmidth. By applying the patented materials together with this special welding technology, the rollers of the hydraulic roller press obtain a built-in surface roughness instead of merely a smooth coating. The result is a surface that is up to 15 times more wear-resistant than an unprotected steel construction and several times stronger than an alternative wear coating. TRIBOMAX® wear solution thereby offers a unique resistance against tramp metal and oversize feed, extending wear life and reliability.

Our customers focus on productivity; they want high utilization rates and minimum downtime. Wear parts are one of the key components when it comes to reducing overall maintenance cost, and wear solutions like TRIBOMAX® reduce the total cost of ownership of the equipment considerably, says Executive Vice President for the Cement Division, Per Mejnert Kristensen.

The contract is an 'Engineering-Procurement-Construction' (EPC) project including engineering, a new clinker bin, Heavy Duty Roller Press HRP-C 1.25 with its auxiliaries, weigh feeder, set of belt conveyors, nuisance filters, bucket elevators and new electrical room for this circuit. 

Lehigh Southwest Cement Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lehigh Hanson, Inc. and part of HeidelbergCement, the second largest cement producer in the world. 


Please address any questions regarding this announcement to Group Executive Vice President of the Cement Division Per Mejnert Kristensen, FLSmidth & Co. A/S at +45 36 18 18 00.

For further information about FLSmidth, please visit

The value of this order is below DKK 200m which is the limit for FLSmidth stock exchange announcements.

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The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: FLSmidth via Globenewswire



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